- 0
Rework the datasets module
#272 opened by SvenKlaassen - 4
[Feature Request]: Support for multiple discrete treatments in `doubleml.DoubleMLIRM`
#245 opened by apoorvalal - 1
- 7
- 1
[Bug]: `x_cols` for panel data (`t_col`)
#269 opened by PhilippBach - 0
Rework the DID Sensitvitiy
#262 opened by SvenKlaassen - 0
[Feature Request]: Abstract DoubleMLBase class
#260 opened by SvenKlaassen - 0
- 0
- 0
Add support for binary outcome in PLR
#236 opened by SvenKlaassen - 1
- 4
[Feature Request]: DoubleMPLR weights support
#248 opened by wmaucla - 2
- 1
- 3
- 4
- 2
- 2
[Bug]: Multi-treatment data creation bug
#205 opened by AlejandroTL - 7
- 1
- 0
[Bug]: RMSE calculation and nuisance evaluation for IRM models does not account for conditional observations
#187 opened by SvenKlaassen - 2
Attributes of nuisance functions
#119 opened by prateekgv - 1
[Bug]: KeyError in with multiple instruments and store_predictions=True
#184 opened by vnastl - 0
- 0
Check estimated propensity scores
#129 opened by MalteKurz - 1
Failing Jobs for Python 3.6.
#180 opened by PhilippBach - 1
[Bug] DoubleMLPLR.tune return none
#162 opened by yangfanliang - 1
- 0
- 1
- 0
Issue in setter of y_col properties for objects of class DoubleMLData: Objects mutate despite the fact that a ValueError was raised
#144 opened by MalteKurz - 3
[Bug]: ValueError Gram matrix in 401k example
#142 opened by JohannWO - 4
Support for sparse matrix
#125 opened by Alalalalaki - 4
Estimators enforcing no null confounder values
#120 opened by morelandjs - 0
Check and clean up dev requirements
#88 opened by MalteKurz - 0
- 1
Add a CITATION.cff to the Repo
#117 opened by MalteKurz - 1
how to predict
#115 opened by MarkovSc - 0
Extensions and refinements for the trimming of propensity scores (IRM & IIVM)
#109 opened by MalteKurz - 0
Hyperparameters in property `params` are ignored when calling method `tune()`
#108 opened by MalteKurz - 2
Python 401(k) Case Study flex model specification possible issue with .DoubleMLData object
#104 opened by gzhelev2020 - 0
Bootstrap algorithm
#101 opened by MalteKurz - 0
Indended behavior (and execption handling / warning) of repetitive calls to `set_ml_nuisance_params`
#99 opened by MalteKurz - 0
Issue in DoubleMLData.set_x_d if a variable is set as treatment variable and at the same time also as covariate
#83 opened by MalteKurz - 0
DoubleMLData: Add checks for the intersections of y_col, d_cols, x_cols, z_cols
#84 opened by MalteKurz - 0
- 0
- 1
- 1
Setup workflows for deployment of stable and version specific documentation via github actions
#60 opened by MalteKurz - 1