This tool automates deployment of Dynatrace Configuration to one or multiple Dynatrace environments.
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Account Management Boundaries support
#1630 opened by nico2back27600 - 1
- 1
Monaco 2.10.0 - incorrect order deploying network zones
#1356 opened by evaldasc - 2
- 1
Monaco 2.10 and and earlier versions - process group, host group, etc. filters in request attributes do not transfer
#1393 opened by BruceSpruce - 6
Error: failed to unmarshal response: invalid character '<' looking for beginning of value
#1384 opened by reinhard-brandstaedter - 2
Publish docker images using arch linux/arm64
#1177 opened by Fabian-K - 3
--dry-run does not validate the syntax correctly
#1169 opened by STgversluis - 6
Make --dry-run an actual dry-run
#1129 opened by STgversluis - 13
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- 4
Question - How do you pass in the url value from an environment variable to the manifest.yaml
#969 opened by kbocock-krg - 1
Allow using entity selectors instead of just IDs to reference monitored entities
#964 opened by o-farooq - 5
Use environment-name as parameter in the yaml or json
#731 opened by heydenb - 2
Backup/restore best practice guide
#662 opened by tobigremmer-dt - 1
Monaco 2.0.1 - Failed to deploy BitBucketNodeRemovedFromCluster - metric key is not child of 'calc:log.
#970 opened by GarrettHaines - 1
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monaco v2 on Windows fails to Download Settings: invalid characters into Settings folder names
#837 opened by heydenb - 4
Service Now alerting profile
#861 opened by edfenergy-stevebowerman - 1
Directory file name error at download in Windows
#825 opened by mizso74 - 1
Upgrade to Go 1.18
#659 opened by UnseenWizzard - 1
- 0
Drop deprecated download command flags with v2
#679 opened by UnseenWizzard - 3
Monaco dynatrace Synthetic deployment issue
#747 opened by dariniv - 5
anomaly-detection-disks ignores threshold value for READ_TIME_EXCEEDING and WRITE_TIME_EXCEEDING metrics
#764 opened by costco-kynelson - 0
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Documentation links are broken
#738 opened by dzoech - 0
Double Quotes in configuration properties can lead to JSON templating failing
#741 opened by UnseenWizzard - 0
Document what a non-unique-name configration is, how to use them and how to delete them
#718 opened by UnseenWizzard - 1
Link to "supported APIs" in the documentation is dead
#736 opened by MatsLP - 0
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Downloading tenant config fails with monaco 1.8.2
#725 opened by yul14nrc - 1
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- 0
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Single Configuration Downloads do not report (authentication) Errors to the User
#704 opened by UnseenWizzard - 3
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Order in Yaml file
#695 opened by shschulze - 0
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Download creates empty synthetic-locations config if only PUBLIC locations exists
#666 opened by UnseenWizzard - 0
Download Command parameters are inconsistent and partially wrongly described
#665 opened by UnseenWizzard