R package for searching, downloading and analysis of EBI MGnify metagenomics data
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Diversity indices
#5 opened by mweberr - 1
Error during installation
#36 opened by vgopikaa - 3
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doQuery() error with assemblies
#27 opened by Cal-Thoma - 0
Update examples at EBI
#30 opened by antagomir - 0
Add link to MGnify itself in the README
#25 opened by antagomir - 0
Update examples to OMA
#18 opened by antagomir - 0
MGnifyR - query samples by depth
#17 opened by alexschickele - 2
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mgnify_get_analyses_results stops with the error: Error in t.default(unlist(c(json$attributes[baseattrlist], metlist))) : argument is not a matrix
#3 opened by rigormortis0 - 1
Could not find function "mgnify_get_downloads"
#2 opened by stitam - 2
Can we download .fna files of all MAGs from species catalogues through MGnifyR?
#4 opened by yazhinia - 3
mgnify_get_download_urls stops with the following error: Error in `colnames<-`(`*tmp*`, value = `*vtmp*`) : attempt to set 'colnames' on an object with less than two dimensions
#1 opened by kafker