
EVK02401 FMCW radar drivers for ROS

Primary LanguagePython


EVK02401 FMCW radar driver for ROS


This repo is structured as a ROS package. Navigate to your preferred workspace's src folder e.g. ~catkin_ws/src or husky_ws/src, clone this repo using git clone --branch main https://github.com/EEEManchester/fmcw_ros.git.

Change to your workspace top folder cd .. and perform a catkin_make.


Connect the EVK02401 via usb using the debug port.

By default any ROS nodes will search for the device on /dev/ttyUSB0, however, this can be changed by passing parameters to the fmcw_radar node or by editing the fft.yaml file.

To run the FMCW node: roslaunch fmcw fmcw.launch or rosrun fmcw fmcw_radar.py

The reported amplitude topic (/fmcw/amplitude) is reported from a specific bin. The choice of bin can be changed on the fly using the rosparam server and dynamic reconfigure variables, either via the commandline `` or using rosrun rqt_reconfigure rqt_reconfigure. Find out more about dynamically reconfigurable variables here.


There is no provided distance data in this repo, however, an individual FFT bin amplitude is published under /fmcw/amplitude.

To check this is being published correctly, either use rostopic echo /fmcw/amplitude or rosrun rqt_plot rqt_plot to visualise the change in amplitude.

The entire FFT amplitudes are also published, and can be visualised using pre-existing code in this repo.

to run the FTT visualier, first run the driver as above, then;

rosrun fmcw ftt_plotter.py

The fft visualiser can be run from any machine with access to the fmcw ros topic, it does not have to be run from the machine connected to the radar


package/launch file not found:-

ensure your workspace is sourced if not automatic e.g. source ~/catkin_ws/devel setup.bash

cannot access radar port (permission denied):-

ensure your user has access to the device e.g. sudo chown :[your_user] /dev/ttyUSB0

for a permanent solution add user to the dialout group sudo adduser [your_user] dialout