Software for the propulsion subsystem of Bella Lui II


Main FSM


The mode in which the software starts We will also be in this mode during fueling Here only the solenoid valve may be actuated


Find zero on the kulite sensors Perform main valve motor homing


Once fueling is done, in this mode the main valve will not open


Delay from the global egnition signal to let the ignitor burn a little bit


Half valve opening Half open wait Full valve opening


Valve is fully open and controlled by the Thrust control algorithm


Valve closing


The rocket "glides" in the air control of the airbrakes


Emergency close of the main valve


Error state in case there are any problems

Sensor acquisition

Functionnal 500Hz acquuisition and storage on the onboard flash

CAN communication

In progress

Debug communication

Functionnal except onboard data download Very buggy

MAXON communication

Functionnal and stable

MSV2 Driver

The Maxon Serial V2 protocol is used by the EPOS4 motor control board. This driver allows the creation and decoding of data packets for the EPOS4

EPOS4 Driver

This driver sends the right sequences of commands to the motor to perform the desired actions. Multiple boards not yet supported

User feedback

Planned addition of blinking leds and sound through buzzer