
Add a load cell to measure rocket's thrust directly

joshdboss opened this issue · 1 comments

A load cell should be added in order to allow for direct measurements of the rocket's thrust.
This requires collaboration between different subsystems:

  • Select a load cell suitable for the flight profile
  • Create a proper wire harness and connections on the PCB for the load cell Duplicate from #8
  • Create a driver/wrapper for the load cell Moved to #47
  • Figure out how to compensate for the rocket's acceleration
  • #16
  • Order the load cell

FX292X-100A-0200-L available on digikey (https://www.digikey.com/en/products/detail/20009605-53/223-FX292X-100A-0200-L-ND/13692561?WT.z_cid=ref_octopart_dkc_buynow&site=us&TEdistID=2186816674) seems like a good choice. Analog unamplified signal with 20mV/V, so will likely require a small PCB to amplify the signal next to the load cell before transmitting the data to the Teensy.