Parachute selection
Opened this issue · 5 comments
- Calculate and determine the required parachute size for the rocket.
- Order the required parachutes
- Test the parachute
Finding an adequate drogue chute seems difficult. Our rocket is rather light so the smallest size parachutes available (18 or 24 inches) aren't really adequate for a drogue. The 9 inch parachute used last time (the small yellow one) seems very weak to say the least.
I'm starting to like Bastian's idea of having a single parachute and "reefing it" using the pyrocutters. This also has the advantage that it allows us to grab a slightly bigger parachute and ensure a safe descent speed, as there is more room in the recovery bay. However, this requires us to test the parachutes before flying, potentially with a drone (and actually doing it this time ;) ).
I therefore suggest buying a shitty 9 inch parachute as a backup drogue. All that is left is therefore to size the main parachute.
Flat sheet parachutes (parasheets i.e. the hexagonal ones we used before) have a Cd around 0.75, while actual parachutes have a Cd around 1.5
Want a descent rate ideally under 25ft/s (~7.6m/s) when touchdown occurs
Parachute options:
Main findings:
- There seems to be two standard parachute sizes that could work for us: 24" or 30" (measured circumferencially) with their equivalent diameters around 15.3" or 19.1".
- Fruitychutes and Spherachutes seem around 50% less bulky (both in weight and size) than PML or Rocketma parachutes
- Rocketman have a different shape with only 4 shroud lines and a loop on the top
Ordered rocketman 2ft. Just need to do some drop tests now when we receive it.