- Download the program file for foxglove https://foxglove.dev/download
- Install Foxglove studio: Open a terminal where you downloaded the file and install the version of the file you downloaded (replace the * by your version)
sudo apt install ./foxglove-studio-*.deb
To update the version when it is installed :
sudo apt update
sudo apt install foxglove-studio
3a. Install Beautifulsoup4 for python
pip install beautifulsoup4
3b. Install Beautifulsoup4 for python
pip install -U pip setuptools wheel
pip install launchpadlib
pip install ruamel.yaml
- Clone the repo of foxglove
mkdir ~/foxglove
cd ~/foxglove
git clone https://github.com/EPFLRocketTeam/foxglove.git
- Add the extension
mkdir -p ~/.foxglove-studio/extensions
cp ~/foxglove/foxglove/foxglove_extension_1.0.1.foxe ~/.foxglove-studio/extensions/foxglove_extension_1.0.1.foxe
- Go to ~/.foxglove-studio/extensions and extract the file (right click -> Extract here)
- If real_time_simulator doesn't have a /log folder
cd ~/catkin_ws/src/real_time_simulator/
mkdir log
Launch foxglove (No need to connect to ROS)
In the Layouts tab (second from the top on the left), Click on the file "Import layout" and import the Simulator.json layout that is in the /home/foxglove/foxglove/layouts folder
In foxglove, at the bottom left, there is a Preference tab with a screw icon. Click on it and change the ROS_PACKAGE_PATH value with your path to the ROS src : ex. /home/user/catkin_ws/src
Close Foxglove studio
You can now launch the simulator by executing the startup.sh script in real_time_simulator
cd ~/catkin_ws
- Note: In the simulator, only the launchFiles containing "rocket" will be displayed
You have a tutorial on how to create an extension for foxglove here https://foxglove.dev/docs/studio/extensions/getting-started
You will need to install Node.js 14+ and Yarn if you don't already have them
You will need to create a directory that will contain your extensions,
To build the project, you need to go into your extension folder and execute one of the following commands :
- This command builds the project but the changes are not visible in foxglove. It tells you if you have syntax errors.
yarn build
- This command builds the project and pushes the changes to foxglove. To see the changes, you have to restart foxglove.
yarn local-install
You can find more infos at this link.
To advertise on a topic using basic message type :
context.advertise?.("/topic", "std_msgs/String", {
datatypes: new Map(
"std_msgs/String": { definitions: [{ name: "data", type: "string" }] },
and then publish :
context.publish?.("/topic", { data: 'value' });
To use custom message types, the second argument is {package}/{TypeName}.
// Advertise update topic
context.advertise?.("/updateTopic", "real_time_simulator/Update", {
datatypes: new Map(
"real_time_simulator/Update": {definitions: [
{ type: "string", name: "config"},
{ type: "string", name: "parameter"},
{ type: "string", name: "value"},
To subscribe to a topic and get the messages, you first need to say that you want your layout to update every time you get a message on a topic using this line inside the useLayoutEffect block:
Then, you need to subscribe to the topics using this line :
context.subscribe(["/topic1", "/topic2", ...]);
Calling subscribe with no topics will unsubscribe from all topics.
After that, all messages from all topics subsribed that are recieved will be availaibe during one refresh in this variable :