
Tim Hutton's 32-state cellular automaton is Turing-complete


Tim Hutton's 32-state cellular automaton is Turing-complete

This repository's Patterns folder contains the working components of a Minsky Register Machine
Currently, this only contains the register components. Assembling this into a working machine is currently an exercise for the reader

Description of Hutton's CA

Motivation: In the original von Neumann transition rules, lines of transmission states can extend themselves by writing out binary signal trains, e.g. 10000 for extend with a right-directed ordinary transmission state (OTS). But for construction, a dual-stranded construction arm (c-arm) is needed, simply because the arm must be retracted after each write. I noticed that there was room to add the needed write-and-retract operation by modifying the transition rules slightly. This allows the machine to be greatly reduced in size and speed of replication.

Another modification was made when it was noticed that the construction could be made rotationally invariant simply by basing the orientation of the written cell on the orientation of the one writing it. Instead of "write an up arrow" we have "turn left". This allows us to spawn offspring in different directions and to fill up the space with more and more copies in a manner inspired by Langton's Loops.

A single OTS line can now act as a c-arm in any direction. Below are the signal trains:
100000 : move forward (write an OTS arrow in the same direction)
100010 : turn left
10100 : turn right
100001 : write a forward-directed OTS and retract
100011 : write a left-directed OTS and retract
10011 : write a reverse-directed OTS and retract
10101 : write a right-directed OTS and retract
101101 : write a forward-directed special transmission state (STS) and retract
110001 : write a left-directed STS and retract
110101 : write a reverse-directed STS and retract
111001 : write a right-directed STS and retract
1111 : write a confluent state and retract
101111 : retract

Achieving these features without adding new states required making some slight changes elsewhere, though hopefully these don't affect the computation- or construction-universality of the CA. The most important effects are listed here:
1: OTS's cannot destroy STS's. This functionality was used in von Neumann's construction and read-write arms but isn't needed for the logic organs, as far as I know. The opposite operation is still enabled.
2: STS lines can only construct one cell type: an OTS in the forward direction. Some logic organs will need to be redesigned.

Under this modified JvN rule, a self-replicator can be much smaller, consisting only of a tape contained within a repeater-emitter loop. One early example consisted of 5521 cells in total, and replicates in 44,201 timesteps, compared with 8 billion timesteps for the smallest known JvN-32 replicator. This became possible because the construction process runs at the same speed as a moving signal, allowing the tape to be simply stored in a repeater-emitter loop. The machine simply creates a loop of the right size (by counting tape circuits) before allowing the tape contents to fill up their new home.

The rotational invariance allows the machine to make multiple copies oriented in different directions. The population growth starts off as exponential but soons slows down as the long tapes obstruct the new copies.

Some context for these modifications to von Neumann's rule table: Codd simplified vN's CA to a rotationally-invariant 8 states. Langton modified this to make a self-replicating repeater-emitter, his 'loops'. Other loops were made by Sayama, Perrier, Tempesti, Byl, Chou-Reggia, and others. So there are other CA derived from vN's that support faster replication than that achieveable here, and some of them retain the computation- and construction-universality that von Neumann was considering. Our modifications are mostly a historical exploration of the possibility space around vN's CA, to explore the questions of why he made the design decisions he did. In particular, why didn't von Neumann design for a tape loop stored within a repeater-emitter? It would have made his machine much simpler from the beginning. Why didn't he consider write-and-retraction instead of designing a complicated c-arm procedure? Of course this is far from criticism of vN - his untimely death interrupted his work in this area.

Some explanation of the details of the modifications is given below:
The transition rules are as in Nobili32 (or JvN29), except the following:
1: The end of an OTS wire, when writing a new cell, adopts one of two states: excited OTS and excited STS, standing for bits 1 and 0 respectively. After writing the cell reverts to being an OTS.
2: A sensitized cell that is about to revert to an arrow bases its direction upon that of the excited arrow that is pointing to it.
3: A TS 'c', with a sensitized state 's' on its output that will become an OTS next (based on the state of 'c'), reverts to the ground state if any of 'c's input is 1, else it quiesces.
4: A TS 'c', with a sensitized state 's' on its output that will become a confluent state next (based on the state of 'c'), reverts to the first sensitized state S is any of 'c's input is one, else it reverts to the ground state.
5: A TS 'c', with an STS on its output, reverts to the ground state if any of 'c's input is 1.

-- Tim Hutton



  1. Working out the register was definitely the hardest part

More coming soon!