
"Adaptive responses of animals to climate change are most likely insufficient"

Primary LanguageR


The goal of adRes package is to provide the data and the exact workflow required to reproduce the analyses for the manuscript 'Adaptive responses of animals to climate change are most likely insufficient' by Radchuk et al. Nature Communications (2019)'. Only the data whose dataholders agreed to sharing their data could be made available. Therefore, the data distributed with the package is a subset of the complete dataset used for the manuscript.

The package was conceived to document the analyses presented in the above-mentioned paper. Therefore, the package will only be updated if necessary to keep compatibility with other packages, so that the code represented here works well.


The recommended way to install the adRes package is to use install_github function from remotes package, available from CRAN. To install adRes, type:



To access the documentation, type:


Examples in help files demonstrate how to use functions that we written for our analyses. The complete workflow is presented in the examples section of the main help page od adRes-package.


For any further information, please contact radchuk@izw-berlin.de