A tutorial showing how to train, convert, and run TensorFlow Lite object detection models on Android devices, the Raspberry Pi, and more!
Jupyter NotebookApache-2.0
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No module named 'cv2'
#116 opened by Frenchmol - 3
I have a webcam running on the Pi - Is there a way to use that stream as the source for TF
#76 opened by rcpilotp51 - 1
TFLite_detection_stream.py running error
#80 opened by uyesad - 1
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GPIO output when class is detected
#120 opened by lanman1 - 12
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TFLite_detection_webcam.py fails with "open VIDEOIO(V4L2:/dev/video0): can't open camera by index" when the libcamera camera stack is used
#126 opened by christianbaun - 3
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Download TensorFlow source and configure build
#107 opened by SxyNoPeace - 1
(tflite1-env) pi@raspberrypi:~/tflite1$ python3 TFLite_detection_[webcam.py]() --modeldir=Sample_TFlite_model [ WARN: 0] VIDEOIO(V4L2:/dev/video0): can't open camera by index
#129 opened by LeenaAhmad - 5
Why does the Coral USB Accelerator require more time than the CPU of the RasPi4 when analyzing single images with TFLite_detection_image.py ?
#125 opened by christianbaun - 0
Tensorflow Build failed
#128 opened by gauti-22 - 1
- 0
"object_detection.protos.SsdFeatureExtractor" has no field named "faster_rcnn_box_coder"
#124 opened by gauti-22 - 2
Dear EdjeElectronics I am having issues running my custom model built from ssd _ fpn _ lite using the TFLite_detection_webcam.py
#123 opened by OJBameyi - 2
No Bounding box
#119 opened by Kondwani23 - 1
PiCamera V1 for Object Detection
#117 opened by gauti-22 - 5
Run custom model on RPi 4 with TFLite_detection_webcam.py (list index out of error)
#111 opened by Petros626 - 0
Different color for each object
#122 opened by 2Sicc - 3
Error when retrieving the detection results: TypeError: object of type 'numpy.float32' has no len()
#115 opened by FabioMotta - 4
cant install opencv package
#118 opened by dolphin-cat - 4
Error while running my model
#103 opened by babmuckja - 4
low FPS (0.2 fps) on windows 10 without EdgeTPU
#110 opened by gyang2020 - 1
Change rpicamera resolution?
#87 opened by etiennemarcoux - 5
Error when training
#101 opened by sleepingbilly - 1
Are you using old TFLite binary with newer model?
#113 opened by Chazie9 - 1
Can we convert Faster RCNN to tflite?
#106 opened by dhanshreeee - 0
ImportError: libImath-2_2.so.12: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
#112 opened by AnuragAnalog - 1
Help running webcam detection in raspberry 3b+
#93 opened by egamez099 - 0
IP Cam for android
#109 opened by gyang2020 - 0
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
#108 opened by Vanoss-hy - 0
ValueError: Model provided has model identifier 'norm', should be 'TFL3'
#105 opened by dreamitpossible1 - 0
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#99 opened by GiorgioSgl - 0
Tensorflow lite box counter issues
#98 opened by erikoarvin - 3
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Run Model without EdgeTPU
#92 opened - 0
Hope you can help me with this issue
#91 opened by davisonWang - 0
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#85 opened by FabianRentzChorherr - 4
Unsupported data type in custom op handler: 65109260Node number 2 (EdgeTpuDelegateForCustomOp) failed to prepare.*
#83 opened by iCUE-Solutions - 0
@Moehrenbaum thank you for sharing your solution! I'm glad you were able to figure it out. I have already pointed a couple people at your solution, so thanks again for helping out.
#86 opened by iCUE-Solutions - 0
run on boot
#82 opened by ritik-kansal - 2
Converted models Predict Nothing
#81 opened by hafizgta - 1
location of visualization_utils.py?
#79 opened by HalcyonEcho - 1
How to counting Person?
#74 opened - 0
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#75 opened by jp3spinelli