A tutorial showing how to train, convert, and run TensorFlow Lite object detection models on Android devices, the Raspberry Pi, and more!
Jupyter NotebookApache-2.0
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Got my model, and deployed it and it won't detect anything. mAP score says otherwise.
#184 opened by slashplusdash - 1
implementation the model to jetson nano
#188 opened by talenta01 - 1
How to improve FPS on raspberry pi?
#191 opened by talenta01 - 3
images/val folder not found
#182 opened by muhd360 - 9
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Empty .tfrecord files
#164 opened by evanjohnstone06 - 1
Missing Image File
#189 opened by Uppermill - 3
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Node: 'ssd_mobile_net_v2_keras_feature_extractor/model/Conv1/Conv2D' DNN library is not found.
#185 opened by stefanoinference - 1
efficientdet-d0 training print nan after few steps
#183 opened by sangyo1 - 1
Not able to change model to EfficientDet-D1 or D2
#174 opened by drelvenkee - 2
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Unable to locate package qt4-dev-tools
#176 opened by BashMocha - 1
#175 opened by TrekBonanza - 2
Error in step 7.1 - Inference test images
#170 opened by vankhoa01 - 1
ImportError: libopenblas.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
#173 opened by SaranRavella123 - 0
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Using a different optimizer in pipeline config file
#169 opened by waseemR02 - 0
The part with step 2 b option 2 run your own custom models on the edge tpu is not working
#168 opened by martinmmi - 0
What can i do when i havent the labelmap.txt ?
#167 opened by martinmmi - 3
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NMS Function
#166 opened by smtalds - 4
when will be added TensorFlow Lite 1 notebook??
#139 opened by kotran88 - 1
Failed to build opencv-python
#160 opened by Vikram12301 - 0
Sense about input tensor different to output tensor
#165 opened by Petros626 - 3
Run training use tf.cast instead
#149 opened by jinjindoli - 0
Create Labelmap and TFRecords
#163 opened by Krump12 - 2
Step 1e. Run the TensorFlow Lite model failed
#131 opened by bernardleung - 5
Picamera v3 and libcamera
#158 opened by diogodh - 2
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Is headless raspberry possible?
#154 opened by beckmx - 0
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Error in Colab sheet when creating TFRecords
#151 opened by joshfox10 - 1
TF1 Colab - RuntimeError: module compiled against API version 0xe but this version of numpy is 0xd
#152 opened by joshfox10 - 6
Comparison Accuracy Tensorflow vs Tensorflow Lite
#145 opened by Natriumpikant - 0
Error: Corrupt JPEG data
#148 opened by Alfrs28 - 2
Training Custom Model: 3.2 Split images into train, validation, and test folders not splitting
#147 opened by Junaid0411 - 2
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Custom model from Azure Custom Vision
#144 opened by mipsan - 1
rumtime error in colab
#143 opened by rssurya19 - 3
Runtime error
#142 opened by rssurya19 - 2
Tflite converted from Yolov5
#138 opened by iliasLab - 0
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How to disable all image detection except "Person" in code? Please guide
#132 opened by GuruprasadaShridharHegde - 0
Android live stream integration
#134 opened by rothfa - 0
ValueError: Cannot set tensor: Dimension mismatch. Got 3 but expected 1 for dimension 3 of input 88.
#133 opened by Vasudev-2308