
This repository contains a dispenser locker application designed for integration with the BicycleShare project.

Getting Started


Ensure you have the following set up:

  • An account on Pusher with an associated app key.
  • Access to a local network.
  • A deployed instance of the BicycleShare project that's accessible from the internet.
  • A locker device, an enstructions for it's build comming soon...


  1. Clone the Repository:

    Use your favorite method to clone or download the repository to your local machine.

  2. Open the Project in PlatformIO:

    If you don't have it yet, install PlatformIO and then open the project.

  3. Set Up Environment Variables:

    Create a file named env.txt in the root of the project and populate it with the following:

    -DLOCAL_SSID="your hotspot name"
    -DLOCAL_PASSWORD="your hotspot password"
    -DLOCAL_USER="your local network username"
    -DPUSHER_KEY="your pusher key"
    -DBICYCLE_API_ENDPOINT="your network domain /pusher/auth"
    -DUPDATE_DB_ENDPOINT="your network domain /api/IoT/locker"
  4. Generate and Set Up Keys

    Generate a public-private key pair. Place the public key in the keys/public_key.pem file within the project. Ensure you synchronize the private key with your server.

  5. Build and Upload the Project

    Build and upload the project to your ESP32 device.