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- Benchmark
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- Java version: 1.8
- Core Container & Dependency Injection: Includes bean manipulation, auto-binding, auto-implementation, and more.
- Multiple Communication Protocols: Supports TCP, UDP, WebSocket, and HTTP.
- Traffic Encryption: Allows for traffic between clients and servers to be encrypted using SSL.
- Multiple Client SDKs: Includes Android, iOS, Unity, React, C++, Flutter, and more.
Ezyfox Server's benchmark involved broadcasting messages to 1000 concurrent users in one hour on a VPS with 512MB of RAM and 1 CPU core. You can watch this video to see how we conducted the test.
An Open Solution for all your Real-Time needs.
To develop online games rapidly, developers often need to use a game server engine like SmartFoxServer or Photon. Unfortunately, these engines come with a high price tag, especially as more and more users engage with our products. That's why we developed the EzyFox ecosystem, which aims to be free and open for anyone interested in building multiplayer games and applications.
The EzyFox ecosystem supports a wide range of essential components for enterprise product development, including TCP, UDP, WebSocket protocols with SSL encryption, HTTP RESTful API, Remote Procedure Call (RPC) protocol, Database Interaction, Memory Caching, and Message Queue.
With the EzyFox ecosystem, we can avoid the headache of choosing which technologies to use to manage and scale up an application, allowing us to focus solely on implementing business logic.
You can download it here
1. Create an app entry
public static class HelloAppEntry extends EzySimpleAppEntry {
protected String[] getScanablePackages() {
return new String[] {
"com.tvd12.ezyfoxserver.embedded.test" // replace by your package
2. Create a plugin entry
public static class HelloPluginEntry extends EzySimplePluginEntry {
protected String[] getScanablePackages() {
return new String[] {
"com.tvd12.ezyfoxserver.embedded.test" // replace by your package
3. Setup
EzyPluginSettingBuilder pluginSettingBuilder = new EzyPluginSettingBuilder()
EzyAppSettingBuilder appSettingBuilder = new EzyAppSettingBuilder()
EzyZoneSettingBuilder zoneSettingBuilder = new EzyZoneSettingBuilder()
EzySimpleSettings settings = new EzySettingsBuilder()
4. Create and start a server
EzyEmbeddedServer server = EzyEmbeddedServer.builder()
You can find the full example here
- Free Chat
- Space Game Cocos2d-x
- Space Shooter Unity
- Lucky Wheel Phaser HTML5
- One Two Three Simple Game Server
- Easy Smashers Unity
- EzyChat: A simple realtime chat application
- EzyRoulette: A simple lucky wheel game
Navigate to the source folder and run:
mvn test
- Get in touch with us on Facebook
- Ask us on stackask.com
- Email us at Dzung
Currently, our operating budget is fully supported by our own salaries, and all product development is still based on voluntary contributions from a few organization members. The low budget is causing significant difficulties for us. Therefore, with a clear roadmap and an ambitious goal to provide intellectual products for the community, we would greatly appreciate your support in the form of a donation to help us take further steps. Thank you in advance for your meaningful contributions!
- Apache License, Version 2.0