
Ray-tracing based renderer

Primary LanguageTeX


You can find several Python modules sceneX.py in /scene defining scene objects used for rendering the images in /images as imageX.ppm files. Those images are converted to .png files with /base/image_converter.py and saved in /images_report. The documentation report.pdf is located in /report directory.

Starting examples

Open a terminal in the /Rendering directory. Make sure your Python environment is set up and started properly.
Following Python libraries have to be installed:

  • NumPy
  • OpenCV (for image_converter.py only)

Start rendering a sceneX by following command (-m to run a Python module):

python -m scenes.sceneX

For custom usage the implementation of the base package may be different and must be adjusted.

⚠️ WARNING: Pulling the repository includes all rendered example images (/images itself has as size of 860mb)