
📜 The story begins here; this is the first time I've truly laid my hands on a keyboard

Primary LanguageC



C language is a low-level language that offers various features such as conditions and loops .
It allows programmers to work with variables and utilize concepts like pointers. Additionally, C supports the use of functions and enables recursion.
Understanding the distinction between pass by value and pass by reference is crucial. C also provides powerful capabilities for handling arrays and working with strings.
To comprehend the dissimilarity between a string and an array as well as pointer and array, clear understanding is required. Moreover, it is essential to grasp the concept of data types in C.
Exploring a shell in C can offer additional functionalities. Lastly, understanding the difference between a constant and a variable is fundamental for effective programming.

note for the pool

how to use the terminal
how to use vim
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  • do not copy paste code, write it yourself


  • do not cheat, you are only cheating yourself

  • its okay to not understand everything, you will get there eventually

  • it would be better if you do not use chat-gbt, but if you do, do not copy paste code

  • Do not lose hope, you will get there eventually

  • Do not be afraid to ask for help, but do not ask for the answer, ask for a hint

  • be patient, it will take time to understand everything

  • never give up

  • do not be afraid to fail, it is part of the learning process

  • do not be afraid to ask questions, there is no such thing as a stupid question

  • work hard, it will pay off

  • do not waste time, it is precious

  • manage your time wisely