
This repository has a series of R scripts to explore, via web scrapping package rvest, scientific journal metrics. In particular, is focused on MDPI and Nature's Scientific Reports. Here is a guide to replicate the analysis or use it in a different journal: https://pgomba.github.io/MDPI_explorer/

Primary LanguageR

This repository has a series of R scripts to explore, via web scrapping package rvest, scientific journal metrics. In particular, is focused on MDPI and Nature's Scientific Reports. Here is a guide to replicate the analysis or use it in a different journal: https://pgomba.github.io/MDPI_explorer/

outputs: This folder contains the datasets and graphs for the targeted journals

web_scrapping.R: R code to web scrap MDPI Journals

graphs.R: R code to plot metrics obtained from web_scrapping.R

sci_rep.R: R code to web scrap Nature's Scientific Reports and plot metrics

docs and tutorial folder contain files to build github page using blogdown