- 3
Error producido cuando se trata de registrar compañía y el sitio web se deja empty
#232 opened by javierbeltran - 3
Issues con el form de crear nuevo job
#205 opened by jpozo20 - 2
Dockerize the web application
#165 opened by eatskolnikov - 0
- 2
- 2
Agregar manejo de banners
#166 opened by eatskolnikov - 0
Job Details links not working properly
#238 opened by robertlluberes - 1
- 2
Barra de Mantenimiento Visible
#190 opened by ljcordero - 2
Agregar vista de empleos de compañía
#183 opened by eatskolnikov - 0
Update to .NET 5
#233 opened by weedkiller - 1
Las publicaciones salen con tipo "Web designer" por defecto aunque el usuario lo especifica en el job post
#229 opened by eatskolnikov - 1
Los radio buttons de compañía no se muestran
#230 opened by eatskolnikov - 4
Agregar texto de "Visita el sitio web de xxxx"
#182 opened by eatskolnikov - 0
Topics para usuarios
#227 opened by EddyCordero - 11
El filtro para mostrar solo posiciones remota no esta visible en la pantalla de empleos
#220 opened by maykoestevez - 1
Documentacion del sistema
#225 opened by varlackc - 1
- 2
- 0
Agregar sección de powered by en el readme
#196 opened by eatskolnikov - 5
Link imágenes en lista inicial de jobs genera un 404
#206 opened by jpozo20 - 0
- 2
Link "Compañías que confían en nosotros" roto
#192 opened by ljcordero - 3
Error al hacer clic en ver todos Home/Index
#128 opened by jugomez - 2
- 4
- 1
Link a slack roto
#213 opened by erickconcepcion - 0
Improve Powered By section in README file
#209 opened by robertlluberes - 3
Aplicar estilos en posiciones
#193 opened by eatskolnikov - 1
- 0
Agregar environment tag-helper para los .css y .js
#204 opened by jpozo20 - 1
Mejora Contador de Visitas
#191 opened by ljcordero - 2
Incluir búsqueda por localidad
#181 opened by eatskolnikov - 2
Remover código legacy y comentarios
#185 opened by eatskolnikov - 12
The last stand
#123 opened by eatskolnikov - 3
Podemos Migrar de Core 2.2 to 3.1?
#121 opened by gromney - 1
Consultar todos los campos al hacer una búsqueda
#174 opened by eatskolnikov - 0
Facebook messenger bot
#163 opened by eatskolnikov - 3
Crear mantenimiento de compañías
#159 opened by EddyCordero - 2
Unable to log in using Facebook or Linkedin
#162 opened by Jighdan - 1
Incluir sistema de etiquetas (#tags)
#132 opened by jugomez - 5
- 0
Issue template not working
#136 opened by robertlluberes - 0
Mensaje o alerta busqueda no contiene resultados
#131 opened by jugomez - 0
Diferencia entre la pagina home/index y Jobs/index
#138 opened by jugomez - 0
Error building the application
#134 opened by robertlluberes - 2
Agregar Microsoft como una opción de Login
#114 opened by ljcordero - 3
Minor bugs en job search y fecha de publicación.
#119 opened by icepeda - 0
Job Search End Point
#116 opened by sact1909 - 1
Versión de librerías no encontradas "cdnjs"
#113 opened by ljcordero