
Basic e-commerce application. Especially for campaign(promotion) logic.

Primary LanguageJava

Campaign Bundle for e-commerce applications

This project for control and manage e-commerce applications "campaign bundle". And project includes base level e-commerce application skills.

You can do with this application:

  • Create user account
  • Create seller account
  • Add product to your seller account
  • Add variant section to product
  • Add campaign to your product
  • Add item to your cart
  • Update your cart item and item count
  • Remove product from your cart
  • Base level sale operation

When user add campaign item to cart, application controls campaign prerequisites, calculate and add sufficient gift to user's cart. Additionally when user want to list products, application controls user's account for that he/she can view campaign or not. Variant control mechanism controls per unique item on cart, not variant section.

Project Includes:

  • Spring Boot
  • MySQL
  • Mongo DB
  • H2 (for testing)
  • Swagger
  • JWT
  • Unit Test (38)
  • Integration Test (22)

For run project with maven

mvn spring-boot:run

For build project

mvn clean install

For skip tests use -Dmaven.test.skip=true parameter

mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true

Projects runs on http://localhost:8080
Swagger runs on http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html#/

Additionally i use for databases local docker containers.

Endpoint list

type url description token required
POST localhost:8080/register user account register false
POST localhost:8080/seller/register seller account register false
POST localhost:8080/login login for user and seller false
POST localhost:8080/seller create seller true
GET localhost:8080/cart get user cart true
POST localhost:8080/cart/add add item to user cart true
POST localhost:8080/cart/inc increment item count true
POST localhost:8080/cart/dec decrement item count true
POST localhost:8080/cart/remove remove item from cart true
POST localhost:8080/sale sale of given users cart true
POST localhost:8080/campaign add campaign to given item true
GET localhost:8080/campaign/{cid} get details of campaign true
GET localhost:8080/campaign/seller/{sid} get seller's campaigns true
POST localhost:8080/item add product to seller account true
GET localhost:8080/item list products true/false
GET localhost:8080/item/seller/{sid} get given seller's products true/false
GET localhost:8080/item/{pid} get product details true/false
GET localhost:8080/stock/{pid} get given product's stock true
POST localhost:8080/stock add stock to given product true

Get requests about item context required token for check user's product status. If user do not give a token, application knows its guest user and shows all products with campaigns without prerequisites.

You can view my presentation about this application Campaign Bundle Presentation

You can view my old posts that includes how to configure docker on local machines;