I started using Unity in 2014. I love figuring out how to do stuff in Unity, as well as researching and examining solutions created by others.
Orion Communications
Endarren's Followers
- acarb1993
- almartson
- andrew-git
- ArmagdoGaming
- brunomikoskiLisbon - Portugal
- bunyamineymen
- defrindrPT Promedia Citra Informatindo
- DSPNerd
- himar33Barcelona, Spain
- iShorty
- kardosoQintess
- kevinkabatraUnited States
- krefsar@MetromileEBS
- LauriSarapEstonia
- Lisprez
- lukasyntheticLeicester
- MachineryStudioAndre Ramirez bridge2play.com
- MarieUS5FTCoreUnitNET
- MatheusMAssisBoston Consulting Group (BCG)
- MercyMo
- MfaXyzXyz
- Mr-sBWepie
- Nachodlv
- nasa03Neo-Tokyo
- ozzysmithjones
- Pr0xy-F0xGermany
- Rk215384
- rumanielSZ Code Lab Inc.
- spydeveloper
- taycpu
- Team-onIndie
- varLGLerp Games
- WeH1DZavidovici, Bosnia and Heregovina
- Wesleygibso
- yamahigashiTokyo, Japan