
Azure Function App for interacting with Twitter in Go.

Primary LanguageGo


       .----.     .----..--.                                
        \    \   /    / |__|                .-.          .- 
         '   '. /'   /  .--.          .-,.--.\ \        / / 
    __   |    |'    /   |  |    __    |  .-. |\ \      / /  
 .:--.'. |    ||    |   |  | .:--.'.  | |  | | \ \    / /   
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 .'.''| |  \      /     |__| .'.''| | | |         \  /      
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 `--'  `"                    `--'  `"          '..'         

Azure Function App for interacting with Twitter.


  • This project assumes you have an Azure Function App.
  • This project assumes you have a registered Twitter app.


  • Review and update parameters in config.yaml.
  • Review and update function parameters in Make file.
  • Build using
    make build
  • Deploy using
    make deploy


  • Tag users and tweet a random new fox image on cron schedule.

In progress:

  • Tweet Lovecraft-like blurbs. (RNN text prediction)