
There are 27 repositories under azure-function-app topic.

  • servicebus-dotnet-functionapp


    Provides an azd template for using Function Apps with Service Bus using native bindings. Get started with service bus and functions, faster!

  • x-t/serverless-gdrive-twitter

    Select and upload random images from a Google Drive folder to Twitter.

  • azure-functions-labs


    Azure functions samples

  • sVathis/ebay-watchlist-calendar

    Azure Function for creating iCalendar from the auction expiration date/time of your eBay watch-list items

  • Kanak0510/Sanjivani

    Hello everyone, I am Kanak Negi and this is my final project for Future Ready Talent Virtual Internship organized by Microsoft, E&Y, Future Skills Prime, Nasscom, Quess and Github collaboration.

  • gbdevw/spring-soap-ws-hellow

    Create microservice-like SOAP webservice application with Spring Boot and Apache CXF

  • maximivanov/azure-timer-function-starter-typescript

    Typescript starter for a timer-triggered (CRON job) Azure Function.

  • pareto-anywhere-azure


    Pareto Anywhere open source IoT middleware as a serverless Azure Function. We believe in an open Internet of Things.

  • git-actions-az-deploy-demo


    Demonstration of Azure Functions deployment using Github Actions workflows

  • hvalfangst/azure-functions-custom-rust-handler

    HTTP-triggered Azure Function with custom binary handler compiled from code written in Rust with the Axum framework. This project is built and deployed automatically on repository pushes with Actions. Azure resources are provisioned with Terraform.

  • Azure-EventGrid-Publisher-Subscriber-Azure-Functions-Demo


    In this project, we will create an Event Grid Topic in Azure for a publish-subscribe demo. Our subscriber will be an Azure function that is triggered by an event published to the Event Grid Topic. We will create the Azure function app, subscribe to our Event Grid Topic, and then demo it in action. We will use Postman to set up a POST request to our Event Grid Topic public endpoint that has authentication, version parameter, and the correct JSON body format. After we send the request, we will take a look in the Azure portal to verify the activity and that our subscriber function received and processed the event.

  • findashu/azure-function-app

    Azure Function App - Terraform NodeJs Http Trigger App

  • azure-microservices-functions-kubernetes-demo-project


    This project builds an app called "Neighborly". Neighborly is a Python Flask-powered web application that allows neighbors to post advertisements for services and products they can offer. The Neighborly project is comprised of a front-end application that is built with the Python Flask micro framework. The application allows the user to view, create, edit, and delete the community advertisements. The application makes direct requests to the back-end API endpoints. These are endpoints that we will also build for the server-side of the application. Let's deploy an app called Neighborly, allowing neighbors to post advertisements for services and products they can offer. The app will use a blend of Cosmos DB, Azure Functions, Kubernetes, Event Hub, Event Grid Topic, and more.

  • mamori017/GetFlickrThumbs

    Get Flickr thumbnail on Azure Function App

  • oigbokwe73/Data-Ingestion-Azure-Service-Bus-To-SQL

    Data ingestion into Azure using an Azure Function App, Service Bus, and Azure SQL Database, a typical architecture involves a serverless and event-driven approach that leverages Azure's scalable services.

  • PtPrashantTripathi/AzureFunctionApp_API

    This GitHub repository hosts the code for a high-performance Azure Function App in C#, designed for retail store solutions. The API seamlessly integrates with Azure Cosmos DB, providing endpoints for efficient management of retail products and items.

  • Afischbacher/AndreFischbacherApp

    My personal web app for people who want to know a little bit more about me

  • cococokoko/IoTSimulatorToTwinDemo

    Azure IoTHub to Digital Twin Demo Scenario using Python Azure Functions

  • devsentap/demo-crm

    Sample crm web application. Using GatsbyJS and Azure Function App

  • Enviy/aviary

    Azure Function App for interacting with Twitter in Go.

  • erwinkramer/azure-functions-flex-consumption-migration-guide

    This guide outlines how to migrate to Azure Functions Flex Consumption plan hosting

  • HMoen/FunctionApp-JsonResult-Error

    Illustrates exceptions when returning JsonResult with JsonSerializerSettings from a .NET Core 3.1 azure function v3 application

  • kravchenya/azure-cli-funcapp-evengrid

    Azure CLI script to create Azure Blob Storage together with Azure Function app, deploy code from local Git repo to the Function and register Azure Event Grid action

  • lrakai/azure-csharp-rbac-role-assignment

    Demonstration of how to assign a role to a principal on a resource scope using an Azure Function (C#) and ARM template.

  • lrakai/fun-with-azure-functions

    Lab environment for working with Azure functions (consumption plan)

  • PtPrashantTripathi/AzureFunctionApp_ServiceBus

    Discover an Azure Function App powered by C# and .NET, seamlessly processing Azure Service Bus messages, storing data in Azure Data Lake, with Dead Letter Queue support
