
Scripts to process UC Merced's Rear Signal Dataset

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

This repository contains scripts to help process the Vehicle Rear Signal Dataset provided by UC Merced.



This notebook will extract a single frame from every sequence to use for training. This is useful for creating datasets for one-shot models.

Output Dataset folder structure: One image from every sequence is moved into a directory corresponding to that sequence's label

|_ BLO
|  |_ frame_000001.png
|  |_ frame_000002.png
|  |_ ...
|_ BLR
|  |_ frame_000001.png
|  |_ frame_000002.png
|  |_ ...
|_ ...


This notebook is used to organize the data in such a way that it can be used for training models that handle sequences of data (LSTM, SlowFast, ResNet3D, etc).

Output Dataset folder structure:

|_ frames
|  |_ [video name 0]
|  |  |_ frame_000001.jpg
|  |  |_ frame_000002.jpg
|  |  |_ ...
|  |_ [video name 1]
|     |_ frame_000001.jpg
|     |_ frame_000002.jpg
|     |_ ...
|_ train.csv
|_ test.csv
|_ val.csv
|_ label_to_id.pickle (maps from label string -> class id #)

Dataset Description

This dataset contains time-sequence images of different vehicle rears under various real-world road conditions. Each image frame of the sequence is the vehicle rear cropped mannually from the raw video. Every sequence is categorized into 8 classes regarding to the status of the rear lights (brake and turn lights).

Class definition

This data set includes sequences labeled with a total of 8 distinct classes for all possible rear signal states. Each state is denoted by 3 letters: B (brake), L (left), and R (right). We give either the corresponding letter of the signal when it is on, or a letter O for off. Consequently, there will be 8 different states: OOO: Brake light and turn signals off BOO: Brake light on, turn signals off OLO: Brake light off, left signal on BLO: Brake light on, left signal on OOR: Brake light off, right signal on BOR: Brake light on, right signal on OLR: Brake light off, left and right signal on (hazard warning light on) BLR: Brake light on, left and right signal on (hazard warning light on)

Folder structure

-rear_signal_dataset -Footage_name -Footage_name_XXX -Footage_name_XXX_DDD (sequence of class XXX starting from frame number DDD) -light_mask -frameDDDDDDDD.png (frames with a 8 digit number indicating the frame number) -... -Footage_name_XXX_DDD -light_mask -frameDDDDDDDD.png -... -Footage_name_XXX -Footage_name_XXX_DDD -... -Footage_name_XXX_DDD -... -Footage_name_XXX_DDD -... -Footage_name -... *XXX indicates the label of the signal

Dataset statistics

Total sequences: 649 Total frames: 63637

Number of sequences in each class: OOO: 188 BOO: 211 OLO: 78 BLO: 63 OOR: 58 BOR: 33 OLR: 9 BLR: 9

Number of frames in each class: OOO: 21867 BOO: 17874 OLO: 6271 BLO: 6380 OOR: 4728 BOR: 3527 OLR: 1600 BLR: 1390

Level of difficulty

There is three levels of difficulty for this dataset: Easy, Moderate and Hard. There are three .txt files repectively documenting the sequence folder names(e.g. 20160805_g1k17-08-05-2016_15-57-59_idx99_BOO_00002671) in that specific level.