2022 COG RoboMaster Sim2Real Challenge

This repository is related to the 2022 CoG Robomaster Sim2Real Challenge which is organized by CASIA DRL Team.In this repository, we will provide the competiton environment for you, and you can also find the Instructions of the necessary environment API in api_test.py.


We recommend using conda to create a virtual environment.

Step 1.We provide two environments for you to use different os(Windows/Linux) to paticipate in this competition.You can get the environment by tags on top. On linux platform, you need to give the simulator executable permission

    chmod +x linux_v1/cog_sim2real_env.x86_64

Step 2. You can install the environment dependent using the command(you must have installed anaconda/miniconda first.):

    conda env create -f environment_*.yml.  

Step 3. Install the COG_API package with command:

    pip install CogEnvDecoder

Step 4. Run the api_test.py, you will see our simulation environment.

Important notes

The data from the simulator is clear, but it will be perturbed with biases and noises during the test stage. More information can be found in the rulebook.


The simulator is modified from the projects Ausdroid RoboMaster Simulation. We appreciate the open source efforts.