
Support for depth camera to object centric point cloud

Primary LanguagePython

Repo for real object pointcloud collection

  • Depth camera: Real sense D415
  • System: Ubuntu 22.04, 20.04


pip install open3d
pip install pyrealsense2

Step 1: Collect calibration point cloud

python collect_pcd.py --mode calibration

Select points with shift, resulting point cloud will be stored at ./calib.ply

Step 2: Compute extrinsic matrix

python compute_extrinsic.py

Resulting extrinsic parameter will be saved in ./tf.npz

Step 3: Collect object point cloud

python collect_pcd.py --mode capture

Resulting point cloud will be stored at ./obj.ply

Step 4: Transform and crop object point cloud

Adjust offsets in preprocess.py

python preprocess.py

Resulting point cloud will be stored at ./obj_cropped.ply