
contact planning for dexterous hand manipulation

Primary LanguagePython

Synthesize Dexterous Nonprehensile Pregrasp for Ungraspable Objects

This is official implementation of paper: Synthesize Dexterous Nonprehensile Pregrasp for Ungraspable Objects (SIGGRAPH 23)

Authors: Sirui Chen (HKU, Stanford), Albert Wu(Stanford), C. Karen Liu(Stanford)


Python Version: 3.9

pip install -r requirements.txt

Clone and install Pointnet2 and PytorchKinematics

Example of usage

In the case of the following environments, all intermediate files are prepared for you. You can start in reversed order and try each steps of our pipeline.

Step 5. Visualize kinematics trajectory

This visualize the kinematics trajectory in Pybullet.

python solve_kin_trajectory.py --exp_name plate_20.0 --mode animate --env plate --add_physics --add_approach --save_name <name_to_save>

It will also generate a blender motion file in: ./data/blender please install this widget in blender to load the motion file and render better images.

Step 4. Solve IK

First solve keyframes

python solve_kin_trajectory.py --exp_name plate_20.0 --mode keypoints --env plate --add_physics --add_approach --has_floor --save_name <name_to_save>

After solving keyframes, you should see a visualization of each keyframes. If two consecutive frames are too different, please resolve keyframes. After successfully solving keyframes, solve intermediate frames based on keyframes, noitice that the name_to_save here need to be the same as solving keyframes

python solve_kin_trajectory.py --exp_name plate_20.0 --mode interp --env plate --add_physics --add_approach --has_floor --save_name <name_to_save>

After solving intermediate frames, you should see the visualization of entire motion sequence. If the motion is too giggly or has interpenetration, please resolve intermediate frames.

Step 3. Generate grasps

Generate grasps condition on final finger tip pose

python neurals/scripts/generate_grasps.py --exp_name plate_20.0 --env plate

It will visualize 20 grasps generated by CVAE, please remember the id of the grasp you want and type the grasp ID you want to save at the end.

Step 2. Trajectory optimization with physics

Optimize contact point and object trajectory with physics using MPPI

python model_optimize.py --exp_name plate --env plate --max_force 20 --name_score only_score_with_df --name_epoch 2980 --has_distance_field --validate

After optimization, you should see the contact points and object trajectory inside data/videos/<exp_name>_<max_force>.gif.

Step 1. Ranking nodes on contact state graph

Generate reduced contact state graph based on score function

python neurals/scripts/generate_csg.py --has_distance_field --env plate

Building your own demo

TODO: make data preparation pipeline cleaner.


If you find this project interesting and helpful, please consider citing our work as following.

 author = {Sirui Chen, Albert Wu, C. Karen Liu},
 booktitle = {{SIGGRAPH} '23: Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques Conference},
 title = {Synthesize Dexterous Nonprehensile Pregrasp for Ungraspable Objects},
 year = {2023}