Code library for the beaglebone DMCC (Dual Motor Controller Cape)
You can find the open source hardware (schematics, PCB, Eagle files) at
Added setPIDPowerLimits function to setup Power limits when running PID.
**Only works with new Mk.07 firmware -- older firmware versions will
just ignore the command and keep functioning.
This version includes preliminary code for the python interface.
To use the python interface, run the following commands on your Beaglebone:
opkg update
opkg install python-distutils
python install
To test the setMotor command in python, do the following:
import DMCC
(turns on motor 1 on board 0 with 5000 power)
(reverse direction with 7000 power)
(turn off the motor)
If you run into any problems, feel free to email us at