
Source code of my semester thesis "Chance-Constrained Programming for Autonomous Vehicles in Uncertain Environments", completed as part of my MSc studies at ETH Zurich.

Primary LanguageMATLABMIT LicenseMIT

Chance-Constrained Programming for Autonomous Vehicles in Uncertain Environments

This repository contains the source code used for the Semester Thesis titled "Chance-Constrained Programming for Autonomous Vehicles in Uncertain Environments" submitted at ETH Zurich under the supervision of prof. Maryam Kamgarpour. DOI: 10.3929/ethz-b-000272614


The following dependencies need to be installed/configured and must be on the MATLAB path:

Generating plots

In order to reproduce the simulations and plots of a specific chapter, navigate inside the corresponding chapter folder and run the generatePlotsAll MATLAB script. The script will run all the necessary simulations and produce all the plots of that chapter. The plots will also be saved under a plots folder in TikZ format, which can then be readily included in a LaTeX document.

Citing this work

Please cite the original thesis when using any part of this code. BibTeX citation data:

    author        = "V. Lefkopoulos and M. Kamgarpour",
    title         = "Chance-Constrained Programming for Autonomous Vehicles in Uncertain Environments",
    howpublished  = "ETH Zurich", 
    year          = "2018",