This repository contains Qiskit code to simulate an ALU using QSim

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Quantum Computing Hackathon July 2023 by CDAC


This repository contains Qiskit code to simulate an ALU using QSim

Table of Contents

Steps to run the code

Using QSim

  1. Register on the QSim Portalhttps://qctoolkit.in)
  2. Log in to QSim along with your given Username and Password.
  3. Paste the Code in the QSim editor.
  4. Click on the run circuit button: image

Using Blender

  1. Run Blender by clicking on the following LINK.
  2. Open a New Notebook.
  3. Upload the .ipynb file at following LINK.
  4. Click on Restart Kernal and All Cells button.
  5. Now all the cells will be run!

Code Description

Import packages

from qiskit import QuantumRegister, ClassicalRegister
from qiskit import QuantumCircuit, execute, BasicAer
import numpy as np

Create quantum and classical registers

q = QuantumRegister(10, 'q')
c = ClassicalRegister(10, 'c')  # Output registers

Create a quantum circuit

qc = QuantumCircuit(q, c)

Set inputs

input_1 = 5
input_2 = 3
operation = 'Multiplication'

Convert inputs to binary strings

This step is needed since the inputs will be in the binary string format.

bin_input_1 = format(input_1, '03b')
bin_input_2 = format(input_2, '03b')

Set input bits

for i, bit in enumerate(bin_input_1):
    if bit == '1':
        qc.x(q[i + 2])  # Apply X gate to q[2] and q[3]
for i, bit in enumerate(bin_input_2):
    if bit == '1':
        qc.x(q[i + 4])  # Apply X gate to q[4] and q[5]

Perform ALU operations

  1. Addition
  2. Substraction
  3. Multiplication
  4. Division
  5. XOR
  6. AND
  7. OR
  8. NOT
    Example of Addition:
  qc.cx(q[3], q[0])  # Swap q[3] and q[0]
  qc.cx(q[4], q[0])  # XOR
  qc.ccx(q[3], q[4], q[0])  # AND

Measure the output bits

qc.measure(q[0], c[0])
qc.measure(q[1], c[1])
qc.measure(q[4], c[2])
qc.measure(q[2], c[3])

Execute the circuit on the density matrix simulator

backend = BasicAer.get_backend('dm_simulator')
job = execute(qc, backend=backend, **options)
job_result = job.result()

Print the density matrix of the final state

density_matrix = job_result.results[0].data.densitymatrix


Quantum circuit for addition


QSim Output



  1. CDAC Team
  2. IIT Roorkee
  3. IISc Bangalore
  4. All other organizers


Sumanto Kar
Student and Project Staff, IIT Bombay Contact: jeetsumanto123@gmail.com

Thank You!