
Unity Package for easings functions. Mirror of https://gitlab.com/Eyap/gamelibrary.easings.

Primary LanguageC#Mozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0

GameLibrary - Easings

Unity Package that provide easings functions, to specify the rate of change of a parameter over time.

Objects in real life don’t just start and stop instantly, and almost never move at a constant speed. When we open a drawer, we first move it quickly, and slow it down as it comes out. Drop something on the floor, and it will first accelerate downwards, and then bounce back up after hitting the floor. This package provide functions to implement that.

You can visualize the different easing functions that have been implemented in this repo with this website : easings.net.
Here is a preview :
Easings functions


You can be install this package via the Unity Package Manager (UPM). In the top left of the Packages window, navigate to Add Package -> Add package from git URL and paste https://gitlab.com/Eyap/gamelibrary.easings.git.


For the documentation please read Easings.md.


Initial work of the easing functions made by Antony Woods (teamwoods.org), provided under the DWTFWT Public License.

This package is released under the MPL-2.0 License, see LICENSE.md.