
Solve "ShipWreck" game using Intelligent Search Algorithms

Primary LanguageJava

ShipWreck Game

This repository contains the implementation of the ShipWreck game as part of an assignment or project.

The objective of this project is to develop the ShipWreck game using Java programming language without a graphical user interface (GUI). The game is played through the console (terminal), and it involves the implementation of Intelligent Search Algorithms (ISA) to automatically solve all phases of the game.

ShipWreck Game Overview

The ShipWreck game comprises a game board that includes various elements such as a shipwreck, treasures, obstacles, moving objects, and specific objectives.

Getting Started

To run this project, ensure you have Java Development Kit (JDK) installed on your system.

After installing JDK, clone this repository and compile/run the Java files through the terminal using appropriate commands.