
Notes for the courses in the Machine Learning Specialization created by the University of Washingtion on Coursera

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Notes for the Coursera Machine Learning Specialization created by the University of Washingtion

These notes were useful to me and I hope they will be useful to others that that take these UofWa courses or other courses in Machine Learning.

Based on knowledged gained in the Clustering and Retrieval course, I've implemented a few clustering algorithms with an interactive web UI in this repo; https://github.com/Ezward/clustering-javascript. It is written in simple JavaScript and so should be easy to understand. It includes an implementation of DBSCAN, which was not covered extensively in the course.


The best way to download the files is to clone the repository. Then when an update is posted you can simply do a pull to get all the updates. Also, if you find a 'bug', you can fix it and submit a pull request so the fix gets into the repo.

If you do not want to clone, you can download all files by selecting the Download Zip button from the repository's home page (this page).

To download an individual file, navigate to the file and select it. Wait for the preview to render and then select the Raw button or, in the case of Word docs, select the View Raw link in the preview area. You will be offered the file download dialog.

For mobile users, you may have to view the desktop version of github.com; the mobile web does not seem to handle these files correctly. On android, if you are offered a choice of apps after selecting the file, choose your browser so it will render the preview. If you choose Adobe Acrobat, it will not correctly render the pdf.

Please note: these notes have not been edited or vetted by anyone at this point. It is possible that they may have errors or misinformation in them. If you find errors, omissions or misinformation, please contribute fixes. I am hoping that the community can use and improve these notes so that they will become a a solid resource for the specialization.


The repository contains the Microsoft Word files created with Microsoft Word for Mac 2011, version 14.6.0 as well as pdfs suitable for printing and for reading on a phone. The best way to contribute changes is to clone the repository, edit the Word file (I have track changes turned on) and submit a pull request. I can then merge in changes to the master branch.

If you don't want to go through all that, but you find a problem, please consider submitting an issue by selecting the 'Issues' tab on this page and selecting the green "New Issue" button.