- 7
LMDBs fully deprecated after #753?
#868 opened by cmclausen - 2
- 2
- 1
- 1
- 5
Trying to run the new OMAT24 models throws RuntimeError: Registry for model_name_mapping is empty
#883 opened by m-k-S - 8
Error: stress property not implemented
#888 opened by mettler - 2
- 1
Model training
#887 opened by GoodZhenLi - 3
Energy mismatch between the API / demo and things run locally using the AdsorbML tutorial notebook
#860 opened by brookwander - 5
- 4
Is it possible to perform a cell relaxation?
#878 opened by kbsezginel - 6
Errors with ODAC23 EquiformerV2 models
#727 opened by andreadaru - 0
typo in OC20 Per-adsorbate trajectories
#890 opened by evenfarther - 2
- 9
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'fairchem.experimental' when load OMat24 pre-trained models from checkpoints
#886 opened by Tosykie - 2
Question about the OMat24 dataset
#885 opened by anyangml - 1
Issue on page /legacy_tutorials/OCP_Tutorial.html
#822 opened by mingyue605 - 1
Unable to Use Apple GPU (MPS) with OCPCalculator
#815 opened by notosaka - 3
- 0
- 2
AtomsToGraph converter for single molecules
#787 opened by siyu-g - 6
- 1
Fine-tuning tutorial would be a great place to show-case the new linear reference configs
#763 opened by zulissimeta - 0
Transient download problem for docs
#806 opened by zulissimeta - 1
ImportError: cannot import name 'download_large_files' from 'fairchem.core.scripts'
#789 opened by lbluque - 8
Cannot import
#785 opened by edmanft - 1
- 1
The use of pre-trained JMP models
#719 opened by wakamiya0315 - 2
How to add a new model to fair-chem
#732 opened by MSJavaScript - 0
NEB notebook broken
#770 opened by zulissimeta - 3
Run-relaxations from LMDB / ASE databases
#769 opened by cmclausen - 1
Numpy 2.0 breaks installation
#730 opened by DipeshSomvanshi - 4
Nan loss in Equiformer_v2
#661 opened by GoodZhenLi - 4
- 3
Question about preprocessing relaxed trajectories
#657 opened by xyx050 - 2
Adsorption energy for OC20 mapping
#662 opened by whyydsforever - 6
Skipping scheduler for EquiformerV2 with OC22
#660 opened by sedaoturak - 8
Having troubles installing fairchem.core. when running"pip install packages/farichem-core" I get an error.
#685 opened by GoosMulder - 2
How to get the totale system energy of a "" or ""
#709 opened by GoosMulder - 2
Does ODAC use the same VASP settings as OC20?
#708 opened by benrhodes26 - 1
- 0
assert isinstance( ^^^^^^^^^^^ AssertionError when run ocptrainer.predict(ocptrainer.test_loader)
#691 opened by Scriberrrr - 0
- 4
Problem When Submitting Result Files
#663 opened by yusowa0716 - 1
Does N2H4 means “*NHN2” in your paper?
#659 opened by yinkaaiwu - 0
Balanced Sampler QOL
#644 opened by mshuaibii - 1
Equiformer v2 PyPI release
#638 opened by janosh - 0
Suggestions to improve changes in #639
#641 opened by lbluque - 2
OCPCalculator fails when loading checkpoints
#635 opened by Project-M-ZQ