- 2
Adding Pages through plugin
#10 opened by SzymonPawliszyn - 0
Using with iPadOS
#36 opened by stuarttravers - 2
Notes not syncing with xournal++
#34 opened by GoldenGideon - 1
- 1
Pdf preview resolution
#29 opened by PaoEsc - 1
Unable to Annotate with Apple Pencil on iPad
#28 opened by Saharsha-N - 1
Specify file name for new notes?
#31 opened by ssmgithub - 5
Adding PDF templates
#32 opened by wemathis - 1
Crash Issue
#35 opened by Medullitus - 4
Hotkeys not working on iPad
#17 opened by DudeThatsErin - 0
- 0
- 10
Boox Note Air3 C almost works
#26 opened by ondrejdyck - 6
Ipad App Support
#25 opened by jandrefrey - 1
Handwritten Notes on Linux Device
#23 opened by David-Kyrat - 1
- 3
- 4
Problematic workflow on iPad with Markup
#24 opened by deladriere - 8
Link to other Obsidian notes missing
#4 opened by mdelgadoschwartz - 1
Support more PDF editing software
#18 opened by fireflysss - 1
Simplify the PDF saving process without having to navigate to the correct folder every time
#19 opened by tobias0409 - 1
Saving templates on iOS
#20 opened by JohnSparham - 2
- 5
Large amount of annotations lags
#13 opened by viatii - 2
- 2
Automatic PDF Title with JS Variables
#12 opened by SzymonPawliszyn - 3
iOS and iPadOS Experience
#9 opened by SzymonPawliszyn - 2
- 2
Refresh problem on android
#6 opened by SamirSaidani - 1
Support NeoReader for Onyx devices
#11 opened by sevadah - 1
- 1
Recommend PDFannotator
#3 opened by mdelgadoschwartz - 1
Saving edited PDFs on Android not seamless
#5 opened by link6155 - 2
Annotate button is appearing multiple times
#1 opened by dannthi