High-performance and seamless sharing and modification of Python objects between processes, without the periodic overhead of serialization and deserialization. Provides fast inter-process communication (IPC) via shared memory. Supports NumPy, Torch arrays, custom classes (including dataclass), classes with methods, and asyncio
- andyjbgmGetme Limited
- arindas@claritas-healthtech
- AtlamilliasMicrochip Technology
- Bender1019
- creafz
- ddelangeDigital Nomad
- ddorian
- devhitfrankUniversity of Pavia
- Erotemic@Kitware
- FI-Mihej
- fly51flyPRIS
- Germanunkol
- gumikolaWroclaw
- GwillXiamen, China
- HamiltonHuajiBeijing, China
- JamesLiAndroidHoteamSoft
- JamesParrott
- JeffCarpenterCanada
- laike9mGoogle
- membranepotentialBerlin
- nitinongit
- oix7
- poneoneoCanada
- RoricalProject Shugetsu / Oxford Undergrad
- shuxiaokaiM78 Nebula
- Sn3lliusVienna
- stillwuyan
- sudoskysUndefined
- suvojit-0x55aa
- sylvoslee
- ultranity
- WuTofu
- yanelFrance - China
- yutiansut@QUANTAXIS @BLEX&Capital
- zhangkejiang