
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Automatic hit reporting tool for FinnGen

1. Description

This pipeline is used to

  1. Filter and group genome-wide significant variants from FinnGen summary statistics.
  2. Annotate the genome-wide significant variants using gnomAD and FinnGen annotations.
  3. Cross-reference the variants to previous results, e.g. GWAS Catalog or summary statistics from hand-picked studies.

NOTE: currently, only files which are in build 38 are supported. This concerns all of the input files.

NOTE: In case you do not have access to the Finnish LD panel (requires access to refinery), use the command-line option --ld-api online to circumvent that and still get access to Finnish LD.

2. Installation

2.1. Dependencies


python 3 (version 3.6+)
plink (latest binary)
ldstore (tested on 1.1)

Python 3 libraries:


2.2. Installation process

Install dependencies (on ubuntu 18.04+):

sudo apt install tabix python3 python3-pip zlib1g-dev
wget http://s3.amazonaws.com/plink1-assets/plink_linux_x86_64_latest.zip 
unzip plink_linux_x86_64_latest.zip 
sudo cp plink /usr/local/bin/
wget http://www.christianbenner.com/ldstore_v1.1_x86_64.tgz
tar xvf ldstore_v1.1_x86_64.tgz
sudo cp ldstore_v1.1_x86_64/ldstore /usr/local/bin/ldstore
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Copy repository to folder:

git clone https://github.com/FinnGen/autoreporting.git

3. Resources

The resources to use this tool (gnomAD & FinnGen annotations, LD panel) can be found here:

  • Summary statistics: gs://finngen-production-library-green/finngen_R4/finngen_R4_analysis_data/summary_stats/release
  • Credible sets: gs://finngen-production-library-green/finngen_R4/finngen_R4_analysis_data/finemap
  • gnomAD genome & exome annotations: gs://finngen-production-library-green/autoreporting_annotations/gnomad_data/
  • FinnGen annotations: gs://finngen-production-library-green/finngen_R4/finngen_R4_analysis_data/annotations/
  • Functional annotations: gs://r4_data_west1/gnomad_functional_variants/fin_enriched_genomes_select_columns.txt.gz
  • LD panel (based on 1000 genomes data): gs://finngen-production-library-green/autoreporting_annotations/1kg_ld/whole_1k*
  • VCF allele panel for gwas catalog comparison: gs://finngen-production-library-green/autoreporting_annotations/vcf_allele_panel/dbsnp_hg38p13_b153_numerical.vcf.gz

4. Usage

The script can be used by either calling the whole script or calling the individual scripts by themselves in the project folder.

4.1. Tool

The complete autoreporting pipeline can be used by executing the Scripts/main.py script. The pipeline will then filter, group, annotate and compare the variants. Grouping method, file paths to resources, operation parameters, output file paths, comparison database and other options can be set using different command-line arguments.

usage: main.py [-h] [--sign-treshold SIG_TRESHOLD] [--prefix PREFIX]
               [--fetch-out FETCH_OUT] [--group]
               [--grouping-method GROUPING_METHOD]
               [--locus-width-kb LOC_WIDTH]
               [--alt-sign-treshold SIG_TRESHOLD_2]
               [--ld-panel-path LD_PANEL_PATH]
               [--ld-r2 LD_R2 | --dynamic-r2-chisq [DYNAMIC_R2_CHISQ]]
               [--plink-memory PLINK_MEM] [--overlap]
               [--ignore-region IGNORE_REGION]
               [--credible-set-file CRED_SET_FILE] [--ld-api LD_API_CHOICE]
               [--pheno-name PHENO_NAME] [--pheno-info-file PHENO_INFO_FILE]
               [--extra-cols [EXTRA_COLS [EXTRA_COLS ...]]]
               [--column-labels CHROM POS REF ALT PVAL]
               [--gnomad-genome-path GNOMAD_GENOME_PATH]
               [--gnomad-exome-path GNOMAD_EXOME_PATH]
               [--finngen-path FINNGEN_PATH]
               [--functional-path FUNCTIONAL_PATH]
               [--previous-release-path PREVIOUS_RELEASE_PATH]
               [--annotate-out ANNOTATE_OUT] [--use-gwascatalog]
               [--custom-dataresource CUSTOM_DATARESOURCE] [--check-for-ld]
               [--report-out REPORT_OUT] [--ld-report-out LD_REPORT_OUT]
               [--gwascatalog-pval GWASCATALOG_PVAL]
               [--gwascatalog-width-kb GWASCATALOG_PAD]
               [--gwascatalog-threads GWASCATALOG_THREADS]
               [--ldstore-threads LDSTORE_THREADS]
               [--ld-threshold LD_THRESHOLD] [--cache-gwas]
               [--local-gwascatalog LOCALDB_PATH]
               [--db {local,gwas,summary_stats}]
               [--gwascatalog-allele-file ALLELE_DB_FILE]
               [--top-report-out TOP_REPORT_OUT]
               [--strict-group-r2 STRICT_GROUP_R2]
               [--efo-codes EFO_TRAITS [EFO_TRAITS ...]]

4.1.1. Command-line arguments

Argument Meaning Example  Original script
--sign-treshold significance threshold for variants --sign-treshold 5e-8  gws_fetch.py
--prefix a prefix for all of the output and temporary files. Useful in cases where there might be confusion between processes running in the same folder. A dot is inserted after the prefix if it is passed. --prefix diabetes_r4  main.py
--fetch-out output file path for filtered and/or grouped variants. 'fetch_out.csv' by default.  --fetch-out output.tsv  gws_fetch.py
--group supplying this flag results in the variants being grouped into groups --group  gws_fetch.py
--grouping-method grouping method used if --group flag is supplied. options are 'simple', i.e. grouping based on range from gws variants, or 'ld', i.e. grouping using plink --clump --grouping-method simple | ld | cred  gws_fetch.py
--locus-width-kb group widths in kb. In case of ld clumping, the value is supplied to plink --clump-kb.  --locus-width-kb 500  gws_fetch.py
--alt-sign-treshold optional alternate significance threshold for including less significant variants into groups. --alt-sign-treshold 5e-6  gws_fetch.py
--ld-panel-path  path to the LD panel, without panel file suffix. LD panel must be in plink's .bed format, as a single file. Accompanying .bim and .fam files must be in the same directory. --ld-panel-path path_to_panel/plink_file  gws_fetch.py
--ld-r2 plink clump-r2 argument, default 0.4 --ld-r2 0.7  gws_fetch.py
--dynamic-r2-chisq If flag is passed, r2 threshold is set per peak so that leadvar_chisq*r2=value (default 5). --dynamic-r2-chisq gws_fetch.py
--ld-api choose which LD calculation method you want to use. online requires no ld panel or plink usage. plink uses plink to calculate LD. --ld-api plink | online gws_fetch.py
--plink-memory plink --memory argument. Default 12000 --plink-memory 16000  gws_fetch.py
--overlap If this flag is supplied, the groups of gws variants are allowed to overlap, i.e. a single variant can appear multiple times in different groups. --overlap  gws_fetch.py
--ignore-region One can make the script ignore a given region in the genome, e.g. to remove HLA region from the results. The region is given in "CHR:START-END"-format. --ignore-region 6:1-100000000  gws_fetch.py
--credible-set-file Add SuSiE credible sets, listed in a file of .snp files. One row per .snp file. --credile-set-file file_containing_susie_snp_files  gws_fetch.py
--previous-release-path path to previous release summary statistic. Must be tabixed. Required for annotation. --previous-release-path path/prev_rel_pheno.gz annotate.py
--gnomad-genome-path path to gnomAD genome annotation file. Must be tabixed. Required for annotation. --gnomad-genome-path gnomad_path/gnomad_file.tsv.gz annotate.py
--gnomad-exome-path path to gnomAD exome annotation file. Must be tabixed. Required for annotation. --gnomad-exome-path gnomad_path/gnomad_file.tsv.gz annotate.py
--finngen-path  Path to FinnGen annotation file, containing e.g. most severe consequence and corresponding gene of the variants --finngen-path path_to_file/annotation.tsv.gz annotate.py
--functional-path  File path to functional annotation file --functional-path path_to_file/annotation.tsv.gz annotate.py
--annotate-out annotation output file, default 'annotate_out.csv' --annotate-out annotation_output.tsv annotate.py
--use-gwascatalog Add flag to compare results against GWAS Catalog associations --use-gwascatalog compare.py
--custom-dataresource Compare against associations defined in an additional file. --custom-dataresource file.tsv compare.py
--raport-out comparison output file, default 'raport_out.csv'. The final output of the script, in addition to the ld_raport_out.csv, if asked for. --raport-out raport_out.tsv compare.py
--gwascatalog-pval P-value to use for filtering results from GWAS Catalog. default 5e-8 --gwascatalog-pval 5e-6 compare.py
--gwascatalog-width-kb Buffer outside gws variants that is searched from GWAS Catalog, in kilobases. Default 25 --gwascatalog-width-kb 50 compare.py
--gwascatalog-threads Number of concurrent queries to gwasgatalog API. Default 4. Increase to speed up gwascatalog comparison. --gwascatalog-threads 8 compare.py
--gwascatalog-allele-file compressed & tabixed VCF file which contains alleles for rsids. Required for gwas and local gwascatalog dbs. Must be matching build and version with GWAS Catalog. Currently hg38.12 b153. --gwascatalog-allele-file compare.py
--ld-raport-out DEPRECATED ld check output file, default 'ld_raport_out.csv'. The final output of the script, in addition to the raport_out.csv. --ld-raport-out ld_raport_out.tsv compare.py
--check-for-ld DEPRECATED When supplied, gws variants and summary statistics (from file or GWAS Catalog) are tested for ld using LDstore. --check-for-ld compare.py
--ldstore-threads DEPRECATED Number of threads to use with LDstore. At most the number of logical cores your processor has. Default 4. --ldstore-threads 2 compare.py
--ld-treshold DEPRECATED LD threshold for LDstore, above of which summary statistic variants in ld with our variants are included. Default 0.4 --ld-treshold 0.8 compare.py
--cache-gwas Save GWAScatalog results into gwas_out_mapping.csv, from which they are read. Useful in testing. Should not be used for production runs. --cache-gwas compare.py
--column-labels Specify summary file column names. Columns specified are: (chrom, pos, ref, alt, pval) . Default is '#chrom pos ref alt pval'. --column-labels CHROM POS REF ALT PVAL all scripts
--extra-cols Include additional columns from the summary file in the analysis, for example effect size, rsid or allele frequencies. Values are added both to variant reports and group reports, with names like lead_COLNAME in group report. --extra-cols beta sebeta rsid maf_cases maf_controls gws_fetch.py
--top-report-out Name of per-group aggregated report output --top-report-out top_report.csv compare.py
--efo-traits specific traits that you want to concentrate on the top level locus report. Other found traits will be reported on a separate column from these. Use Experimental Factor Ontology codes. --efo-traits EFO_1 EFO_2 EFO_3 EFO_4 compare.py
--local-gwascatalog File path to gwas catalog downloadable associations with mapped ontologies. --local-gwascatalog gwascatalog-associations-with-ontologies.tsv compare.py
--db Choose which comparison database to use: GWAS Catalog proper, GWAS Catalog's summary statistic api, or a local copy of GWAS Catalog. With local copy, you need to supply the --local-gwascatalog filepath --db gwas | summary_stats | local compare.py
gws_path Path to the tabixed and bgzipped summary statistic that is going to be filtered, annotated and compared. Required argument. path_to_summary_statistic/summary_statistic.tsv.gz gws_fetch.py

The same arguments are used in the smaller scripts that the main script uses.

4.1.2. Example

For example, here's a simple bash script for running the tool with some of the more relevant parameters:

#! /bin/bash

file=path_to_input/summary_statistic.gz                     # input file
sig_p='5e-8'                                                # significance threshold
sig_p2='0.001'                                              # alternate significance threshold, used with grouping
prefix='analysis_prefix'                                    # output file prefix
grouping_method=ld                                          # grouping method, one of [simple, ld, cred]
loc_w=1500                                                  # range for grouping, in kilobases
ld_panel=path_to_ld/ld_panel                                # the path to the .bed LD panel, without file suffix
ld_r2=0.1                                                   # grouping (ld, cred only) LD threshold
ld_api=online                                               # Use LD calculation server to get Finnish LD. Does not require ld_panel or plink_mem!!
plink_mem=14000                                             # plink memory in MB
ignore_region='6:23000000-38000000'                         # Result region to ignore: corresponds to MHC region
credsetfile=path_to_cs/credible_set.SUSIE.snp.bgz           # SuSiE credible set output
gnomad_genome=path_to_annotation/gnomad_genomes.gz          # gnomad genome annotation file
gnomad_exome=path_to_annotation/gnomad_exomes.gz            # gnomad exome annotation file
finngen_ann=path_to_annotation/R4_annotated_variants_v1.gz  # finngen annotation file
functional_ann=path_to_annotation/functional_annotations.gz # annotation file with functional consequences
gwas_allele_path=path_to_allele_vcf/dbsnp_vcf.gz            # GWAS Catalog allele annotation file 
use_gwascatalog="--use-gwascatalog"                         # Compare against GWAS Catalog
db=gwas                                                     # GWAS Catalog database: local copy (local), normal (gwas), or summary statistic API (summ_stats)
extracols='rsid beta sebeta maf maf_cases maf_controls'     # Add additional columns to reports

python3 Scripts/main.py $file --sign-treshold $sig_p  \
        --alt-sign-treshold $sig_p2 --prefix $prefix \
        --group --grouping-method $grouping_method \
        --locus-width-kb $loc_w \
        --ld-panel-path $ld_panel --ld-r2 $ld_r2 --ld-api $ld_api \
        --plink-memory $plink_mem --ignore-region $ignore_region \
        --credible-set-file $credsetfile \
        --gnomad-genome-path $gnomad_genome \
        --gnomad-exome-path $gnomad_exome \
        --finngen-path $finngen_ann \
        --functional-path $functional_ann \
        --gwascatalog-allele-file  $gwas_allele_path \
        $use_gwascatalog --db $db --extra-cols $extracols

4.2 Tool subroutines

In the following subsections, the tool's main building blocks are introduced.

4.2.1 gws_fetch.py

usage: gws_fetch.py [-h] [--sign-treshold SIG_TRESHOLD] [--prefix PREFIX]
                    [--fetch-out FETCH_OUT] [--group]
                    [--grouping-method GROUPING_METHOD]
                    [--locus-width-kb LOC_WIDTH]
                    [--alt-sign-treshold SIG_TRESHOLD_2]
                    [--ld-panel-path LD_PANEL_PATH] [--ld-r2 LD_R2]
                    [--plink-memory PLINK_MEM] [--overlap]
                    [--column-labels CHROM POS REF ALT PVAL]
                    [--extra-cols [EXTRA_COLS [EXTRA_COLS ...]]]
                    [--ignore-region IGNORE_REGION]
                    [--credible-set-file CRED_SET_FILE]
                    [--ld-api LD_API_CHOICE]

The gws_fetch.py script is used to filter genome-wide significant variants from the summary statistic file as well as optionally group the variants, using either location-based grouping, ld-based grouping or grouping around credible sets. The arguments used are the same as the ones in main.py. For example, Here is a small bash script for running the gws_fetch.py script:

#! /bin/bash

file=path_to_input/summary_statistic.gz                     # input file
sig_p='5e-8'                                                # significance threshold
sig_p2='0.001'                                              # alternate significance threshold, used with grouping
prefix='fetch_prefix'                                       # output file prefix
grouping_method=ld                                          # grouping method, one of [simple, ld, cred]
loc_w=1500                                                  # range for grouping, in kilobases
ld_panel=path_to_ld/ld_panel                                # the path to the .bed LD panel, without file suffix
ld_api=online                                               # Use LD calculation server to get Finnish LD. Does not require ld_panel or plink_mem!!
ld_r2=0.1                                                   # grouping (ld, cred only) LD threshold
plink_mem=14000                                             # plink memory in MB
ignore_region='6:23000000-38000000'                         # Result region to ignore: corresponds to MHC region
credsetfile=path_to_cs/credible_set.SUSIE.snp.bgz           # SuSiE credible set output

python3 Scripts/gws_fetch.py $file --sign-treshold $sig_p  \
        --alt-sign-treshold $sig_p2 --prefix $prefix \
        --group --grouping-method $grouping_method \
        --locus-width-kb $loc_w \
        --ld-panel-path $ld_panel --ld-r2 $ld_r2 --ld-api $ld_api \
        --plink-memory $plink_mem --ignore-region $ignore_region \
        --credible-set-file $credsetfile A detailed description of gws_fetch

gws_fpath: a FinnGen summary statistic that is gzipped and tabixed. The default column labels for the file are '#chrom','pos', 'ref', 'alt', 'pval'. These can be changed with --column-labels.
ld_panel_path (optional): a plink .bed file that is used to calculate linkage disequilibrium for the variants.
credible_set_file: A .SUSIE.snp.bgz file, containing credible sets that were finemapped from the summary statistic.
fetch_out: a .tsv-file, with one genome-wide significant variant per row. The name of the output file can be changed using --fetch-out, and a prefix can be added with --prefix.
The tool filters the summary statistic using the p-value of the variants. The p-value threshold for filtering can be changed with --sign-treshold.
Grouping: The variants can optionally be grouped into possible signals, based on one of the tree grouping methods. The grouping method is enabled with the --group flag. The grouping method can be chosen using the --grouping-method flag:

  • simple (location range-based grouping): Group the variants by choosing the most significant variant and adding variants in a range around it to the group. --locus-width-kb can be used to control the range, in kilobases. --alt-sign-treshold can be used to control the p-value threshold to include variants in the groups. --overlap can be used to allow group overlap.
  • ld (plink --clump): perform ld-based grouping, i.e. PLINK 1.9's --clump[1] operation on the variants. Requires the ld panel to be given to the script. --ld-r2 can be used to control the plink --clump r-squared threshold. --plink-memory can be used to control the amount of memory given to plink. The same parameters as in simple grouping can be used.
  • cred (credible set grouping): Assign the groups to be the credible set plus their ld-neighbors. A group always contains its own credible set, regardless of the p-value or ld threshold. In case the credible set file does not contain any credible sets, the output is an empty table. Requires the credible set file as well as the ld panel to be defined. Same parameters as in simple and ld grouping can be used.


4.2.2. annotate.py

usage: annotate.py [-h] [--gnomad-genome-path GNOMAD_GENOME_PATH]
                   [--gnomad-exome-path GNOMAD_EXOME_PATH]
                   [--finngen-path FINNGEN_PATH]
                   [--functional-path FUNCTIONAL_PATH] [--prefix PREFIX]
                   [--annotate-out ANNOTATE_OUT]
                   [--column-labels CHROM POS REF ALT PVAL BETA AF AF_CASE AF_CONTROL]

The annotate.py script is used to annotate filtered and grouped genome-wide significant variants with annotations from gnomAD and FinnGen. This script is run as a part of the main.py, but can be run on its own as well. Here's an example bash script for running the annotate.py script:

#! /bin/bash

file=fetch_output                                           # input file
prefix='annotate_prefix'                                    # output file prefix
gnomad_genome=path_to_annotation/gnomad_genomes.gz          # gnomad genome annotation file
gnomad_exome=path_to_annotation/gnomad_exomes.gz            # gnomad exome annotation file
finngen_ann=path_to_annotation/R4_annotated_variants_v1.gz  # finngen annotation file
functional_ann=path_to_annotation/functional_annotations.gz # annotation file with functional consequences

python3 Scripts/annotate.py $file --prefix $prefix \
        --gnomad-genome-path $gnomad_genome \
        --gnomad-exome-path $gnomad_exome \
        --finngen-path $finngen_ann \
        --functional-path $functional_ann \ A detailed description of annotate.py

annotate_fpath: The output of gws_fetch.py
gnomad_genome_path: A tabixed, bgzipped gnomAD genome annotation file.
gnomad_exome_path: A tabixed, bgzipped gnomAD exome annotation file.
finngen_path: A tabixed, bgzipped FinnGen annotation file. Due to file formatting changes, the FinnGen version matters. Use a finngen variant annotation for r4 or newer. Given an invalid version, the script will not be able to parse the FinnGen annotation file.
functional_path: A tabixed, bgzipped file containing the functional consequences (missense variant, pLoF etc.) for variants.
prev_release_path: A tabixed, bgzipped summary statistic file of previous release results. Has to have same columns as input summary statistic output:
annotate_out: A file with the same columns as annotate_fpath, as well as additional annotation columns from gnomAD, FinnGen and functional annotations.

4.2.3. compare.py:

usage: compare.py [-h] [--sign-treshold SIG_TRESHOLD]
                  [--grouping-method GROUPING_METHOD] [--use-gwascatalog]
                  [--custom-dataresource CUSTOM_DATARESOURCE] [--check-for-ld]
                  [--plink-memory PLINK_MEM] [--ld-panel-path LD_PANEL_PATH]
                  [--prefix PREFIX] [--report-out REPORT_OUT]
                  [--ld-report-out LD_REPORT_OUT]
                  [--gwascatalog-pval GWASCATALOG_PVAL]
                  [--gwascatalog-width-kb GWASCATALOG_PAD]
                  [--gwascatalog-threads GWASCATALOG_THREADS]
                  [--ldstore-threads LDSTORE_THREADS]
                  [--ld-threshold LD_THRESHOLD] [--cache-gwas]
                  [--column-labels CHROM POS REF ALT PVAL]
                  [--local-gwascatalog LOCALDB_PATH]
                  [--db {local,gwas,summary_stats}]
                  [--gwascatalog-allele-file ALLELE_DB_FILE]

The compare.py-script is used to compare the genome-wide significant variants to earlier results, either in the form of summary statistics supplied to the script or searched from GWAScatalog's summary statistic api. The optional arguments are the same as the arguments to main.py. Here's an example bash script for running compare.py:

#! /bin/bash

file=annotate_output                                        # input file
prefix='compare_prefix'                                     # output file prefix
gwascatalog_pval='5e-8'                                     # The result p-value threshold for gwas catalog hits 
gwascatalog_threads=10                                      # how many concurrent requests to gwascatalog
use_gwascatalog="--use-gwascatalog"                         # Compare results against GWAS Catalog
db=gwas                                                     # GWAS Catalog database: local copy (local), normal (gwas), or summary statistic API (summ_stats)

python3 Scripts/compare.py $file --prefix $prefix \
        --gwascatalog-pval $gwascatalog_pval \
        --gwascatalog-threads $gwascatalog_threads \
        $use_gwascatalog --db $db A detailed description of compare.py:

compare_fname: genome-wide significant variants that are filtered & grouped by gws_fetch.py and annotated by annotate.py.
ld_panel_path (optional): a plink .bed-file, without the suffix, that will be used by LDstore to calculate linkage disequilibrium between genome-wide significant variants and variants from other summary statistics (or GWAScatalog). Same file that's used in gws_fetch.
summary_fpath (optional): A file containing the summary file paths. List one file path per line. Actual summary statistics must be tab-separated value files and in build 38.
endpoint_fpath (optional): A file containing endpoints for the summary files listed in summary_fpath. List one endpoint per line.
custom_dataresource (optional): A tab-separated values file containing variants that you want to compare against, with one variant per row. Will be used in similar way to GWAS Catalog. Your file should have columns chrom, pos, ref, alt, pval, beta, se, study_doi, trait, rsid, gene, notes, af, snp. Fill missing data with NA.
report_out: a tsv report of the variants, with each variant on its own row. If the variant has been reported in earlier studies, the phenotype and p-value for that study is announced. Variants that are novel are also reported. In case a variant associates with multiple phenotypes, all of these are reported on their own rows.
ld_report_out: A tsv report of those variants that are in LD with external summary statistic/gwascatalog variants.

Script function: The comparison script takes in a filtered and annotated variant tsv file, and reports if those variants have been announced in earlier studies. The comparison can be done against GWAS Catalog, an online variant database, or against an additional dataresource. Phenotypes of interest can be added using the --efo-codes flag. If these phenotypes are present in the compared associations, they are presented on the top report on their own column.
The GWAS Catalog API access can be controlled using parameters --gwascatalog-threads, --gwascatalog-pval and --gwascatalog-width-kb. The --gwascatalog-threads parameters decides how many concurrent connections to the GWAS Catalog are allowed. This is not limited by the number of logical cores in your computer's processor. The --gwascatalog-pval parameter sets the threshold for associations from GWAS Catalog: If the association has a smaller p-value, it is included. The --gwascatalog-width-kb parameter is not currently used.
DEPRECATED Optionally, genome-wide significant variants can also be tested for LD against database associations using the flag --check-for-ld. Variants for which the ld value is larger than --ld-treshold value are reported. Same parameters that were used in gws_fetch.py, like --plink-memory and --ld-panel-path need to be used. However, these results are not incorporated to the top report.

4.2.4. top_report.py:

usage: top_report.py [-h] [--sign-treshold SIG_TRESHOLD]
                     [--grouping-method GROUPING_METHOD]
                     [--column-labels CHROM POS REF ALT PVAL]
                     [--extra-cols [EXTRA_COLS [EXTRA_COLS ...]]]
                     [--efo-codes EFO_TRAITS [EFO_TRAITS ...]]
                     [--strict-group-r2 STRICT_GROUP_R2]
                     [--top-report-out TOP_REPORT_OUT]

The top_report.py script is used to compile a group-aggregated report of the autoreporting variant-based report. One group is presented per row, and values of the top variant and values aggregated over the group are listed for each group. See section outputs for a detailed description for the top report structure. A detailed description of top_report.py:

TODO For now, the top report is built identically as it is when running main.py. See section outputs Output:
top_report_out: A tsv report of variant groups. Information about the associated phenotypes, functional variants and credible set variants is included. More specific match information is presented in report_out. Functional variants and associations are divided into two columns, _relaxed and _strict. The _relaxed-columns show the functional variants/associations for the whole group, and _strict-columns show the functional variants/associations for 1) the credible set in case grouping around credible sets, 2) for variants in the group whose p-value is under the p-value threshold in case of other grouping methods.

5. Outputs

Top report

The top_report.tsv file contains the group-level summary of an autoreporting run. This file is mostly useful as a first step in the analysis of a phenotype. It is a tab-separated file with one row per one credible set/group of variants. The columns are as follows:

Column Description Example value/Formatting
phenotype phenotype name -
phenotype_abbreviation phenotype code -
Cases Number of cases for this phenotype 1234
Controls Number of controls for this phenotype 1234
locus_id The locus in question, formatted from the top SNP's chromosome, position, reference and alternate alleles. In case of credible set grouping, the top SNP is the variant with the largest PIP in that credible set. In case of LD and simple grouping, the top SNP is the variant with smallest p-value of that group/region. Most if not all release results are grouped around credible sets. chr1_1_C_T for a lead variant with chromosome 1, position 1, reference allele C and alternate allele T.
chrom chromosome of locus 1
pos lead variant position 123456
ref lead variant reference allele A
alt lead variant alternate allele C
pval lead variant p-value 5.01e-7
start locus start position in basepairs 1 for a group with positions [1,2,3,4,5]
end locus end position in basepairs 5 for a group with positions [1,2,3,4,5]
lead_enrichment How much the lead variant is enriched in Finnish population compared to Europe 4.35
lead_$COLUMN_NAME other columns that are grabbed for the lead variant, such as allele frequencies, effect size, variant RSIDs -
most_severe_gene most severe gene of the lead variant APOE
most_severe_consequence most severe consequence of lead variant missense_variant
gnomAD_functional_category functional category for the variant Exome data. pLoF
gnomAD_enrichment_nfsee lead variant enrichment in Finland against NFSEE population. Exome data. 5.1
gnomAD_fin.AF lead variant allele frequency in Finland. Exome data. 0.123
gnomAD_fin.AN lead variant allele number in Finland. Exome data. 123
gnomAD_fin.AC lead variant allele count in Finland. Exome data. 123
gnomAD_fin.homozygote_count Amount of homozygote carriers in Finnish population. Exome data. 12
gnomAD_fet_nfsee.odds_ratio Fischer's exact test for enrichment FIN vs NFSEE odds ratio. Exome data. 1.15
gnomAD_fet_nfsee.p_value Fischer's exact test for enrichment FIN vs NFSEE p-value. Exome data. 5.01e-3
gnomAD_nfsee.AC lead variant NFSEE population allele count. Exome data. 123
gnomAD_nfsee.AN lead variant NFSEE population allele number. Exome data. 123
gnomAD_nfsee.AF lead variant NFSEE population allele frequency. Exome data. 0.123
gnomAD_nfsee.homozygote_count Amount of homozygote carriers in NFSEE population. Exome data. 123
cs_id credible set id chr1_123456_A_C_1
cs_size credible set size 5
cs_log_bayes_factor credible set bayes factor, log10 5.21
cs_number credible set number in its region. Numbers are not necessarily indicative of the amount of credible sets for a region. For example, a cs number of 9 does not mean there are 9 credible sets for that region. 1
cs_region finemapping region 1:1-30000001
found_associations_strict This column lists all of the trait associations found in GWAS Catalog for variants that are in the credible set/strict group (strict group here means that in case of LD grouping, variants that are in higher LD than a given threshold, and have p-values lower than the significance threshold). The trait name is followed by the amount of correlation (in R²) that association had with the lead variant. If there are multiple variants associated with that trait, the largest value is chosen. trait1|1;trait2|0.8 Given a group that has been associated with traits trait1 and trait2, trait1 association is in the top SNP and trait2 association with variants that have R² of [0.5,0.8] with top SNP. All of the variants associated with a trait are guaranteed to either be part of a credible set (in the case of credible set grouping), or to have LD larger than a given threshold with the top variant AND have a p-value that is significant (in case of LD grouping).
found_associations_relaxed This column lists all of the trait associations found in GWAS Catalog for variants in the group. The trait name is followed by the R² to lead value of the variant that had the association. If there are multiple variants associated with that trait, the largest value is chosen. trait1|1;trait2|0.8 Given a group that has been associated with traits trait1 and trait2, trait1 association is in the top SNP and trait2 association with variants that have R² of [0.5,0.8] with top SNP. All associated variants are guaranteed to be part of this group.
credible_set_variants This column lists the credible set variants. The PIP and R² values are listed after the variant chr1_1_C_T|0.6|1;chr1_100_A_G|0.2|0.999 for variants chr1_1_C_T and chr1_100_A_G, with PIP and R² values of [0.6,0.2] and [1,0.999], respectively.
functional_variants_strict All of the variants with a functional consequence, with the functional consequence label, gene related to that label and R² to lead variant. The variants are part of the credible set/strict group. chr1_1_C_T|missense_variant|ABC123|0.6 for a group with one missense variant associated with gene ABC123 and R² to lead variant of 0.6. All listed variants are guaranteed to be part of the credible set/strict group.
functional_variants_relaxed All of the variants with a functional consequence, with the functional consequence label, gene related to that label and R² to lead variant. chr1_1_C_T|missense_variant|ABC123|0.6 for a group with one missense variant associated with gene ABC123 and R² to lead variant of 0.6. All listed variants are guaranteed to be part of the group.
specific_efo_trait_associations_strict If specific traits were given to the script(e.g. equivalent EFO codes to the phenotype in question), any trait associations correspoding to those traits are listed here. This column lists only associations where the variant is in the credible set/strict group. Same formatting as found_associations_strict
specific_efo_trait_associations_relaxed If specific traits were given to the script(e.g. equivalent EFO codes to the phenotype in question), any trait associations correspoding to those traits are listed here. This column lists associations to all variants in the group. Same formatting as found_associations_relaxed
credible_set_min_r2_value The minimum R² value to lead variant in the credible set 0.489

6. WDL pipeline

The WDL pipeline can be used to run a set of phenotypes as a batch job on a Cromwell server. There are two pipelines to choose from:

  • The autoreporting.wdl pipeline assigns a container for each phenotype, which creates a lot of overhead per phenotype.
  • The report_serial.wdl pipeline groups multiple phenotypes per one container, and therefore reduces the overhead per phenotype. This is mostly useful when the amount of phenotypes to process is very large, for example when running the pipeline for a whole release. This also means that running the pipeline requires more time, with the time multiplier being approximately the same as the number of phenotypes processed on one VM.

Choose the autoreporting.wdl pipeline for smaller runs that you need to get quickly, and report_serial.wdl for runs that are large and not as urgent.

6.1 WDL Files

The WDL pipeline requires an input JSON file to work correctly. Example input files can be found in the wdl folder. The files are named like so:
autoreporting_$PIPELINE_$RELEASE.json, where the $PIPELINE and $RELEASE keywords are determined based on what pipeline and data release those files correspond to. The serial keyword corresponds to the report_serial.wdl pipeline, and the completely_parallel keyword corresponds to the autoreporting.wdl pipeline. For the releases, the only difference is in annotation resources.

For smaller runs of the pipeline, I suggest running the autoreporting.wdl pipeline with a JSON file based on one of the autoreportng_completely_parallel files. For larger datasets, e.g over 500 phenotypes, it might be preferable to run the report_serial.wdl pipeline, that calculates results for multiple phenotypes on a single worker machine. For full releases, currently the only possibility is to use the report_serial.wdl pipeline.

The only difference between the parallel and serial JSON files is that the autoreporting_serial_r4.json and autoreporting_serial_r5.json files have an extra parameter, named phenos_per_worker, which determines how many phenotypes one worker machine processes. For example, if there are 1000 phenotypes and the phenos_per_worker parameter is set to 10, the cromwell job will spawn 100 worker machines, not 1000 worker machines like the autoreporting.wdl pipeline would.

6.2 Running the pipeline

Preparing inputs

The main input for the pipeline is an input array consisting of a phenotype name, a summary statistic file path (to a google cloud bucket), and an optional SUSIE fine-mapping file. This input array is formatted as a tab-separated headerless file. You can prepare this file by hand, or if you already have a list of summary statistics and fine-mapping results, you can use the helper script Scripts/wdl_processing_scripts/pheno_credset_array.py. This helper script matches your summary statistic files and fine-mapping results, assuming they are named similarly.

usage: Create a phenotype, summary statistic file, credible set file-array from two file list files
       [-h] --phenotype-list PHENOTYPE_LIST --credset-list CREDSET_LIST
       [--phenotype-prefix PHENOTYPE_PREFIX] [--credset-prefix CREDSET_PREFIX]
       --out OUT

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --phenotype-list PHENOTYPE_LIST
                        phenotype list (e.g. output from 'gsutil ls
  --credset-list CREDSET_LIST
                        SuSiE credible set list (e.g. output from 'gsutil ls
                        gs://credset_folder'. NOTE: use only the SUSIE.snp.bgz-files.
  --phenotype-prefix PHENOTYPE_PREFIX
                        If the phenotypes have a prefix that is not part of
                        the phenotype name, e.g. version number use this flag
                        to include it.
  --credset-prefix CREDSET_PREFIX
                        If the credible sets have a prefix that is not part of
                        the phenotype name, e.g. version number use this flag
                        to include it.
  --out OUT             Output file, a headerless tsv file

WDL parameters

The WDL pipeline parameters are largely the same as the parameters defined for the autoreporting script. Most of these parameters can be left to be the same as in the JSON configuration files available in the folder wdl/, with mostly the input array and analysis-specific parameters, such as R² threshold for grouping (autoreporting.ld_r2) or significance threshold for including variants (autoreporting.sign_treshold). All of the parameters are detailed in the table below:

Parameter Meaning Type Example Corresponding script parameter
autoreporting.phenos_per_worker How many phenotypes to process per VM (report_serial.wdl only) Integer 5 -
autoreporting.input_array_file GCS (Google Cloud Storage) link to the aforementioned input array String "gs://r5_data/autoreporting/r5_phenotype_array_2020_03_25.tsv", -
autoreporting.docker URL for VM docker image String "eu.gcr.io/finngen-refinery-dev/autorep:984100b" -
autoreporting.memory VM memory in GB Integer 20 -
autoreporting.cpus VM CPU count Integer 4 -
autoreporting.gnomad_exome GCS link to gnomAD exome resource String "gs://fg-datateam-analysisteam-share/gnomad/2.1/exomes/gnomad.exomes.r2.1.sites.liftover.b38.finngen.r2pos.af.ac.an.tsv.gz" --gnomad-exome-path
autoreporting.gnomad_genome GCS link to gnomAD exome resource String "gs://fg-datateam-analysisteam-share/gnomad/2.1/genomes/gnomad.genomes.r2.1.sites.liftover.b38.finngen.r2pos.af.ac.an.tsv.gz" --gnomad-genome-path
autoreporting.finngen_annotation GCS link to FinnGen annotation resource String "gs://r5_data/annotations/R5_annotated_variants_v1.gz" --finngen-path
autoreporting.functional_annotation GCS link to functional annotation resource String "gs://r4_data_west1/gnomad_functional_variants/fin_enriched_genomes_select_columns.txt.gz" functional-path
autoreporting.ld_panel GCS link to imputation panel resource (without suffix) String "gs://finngen-imputation-panel/sisu3/wgs_all" --ld-panel-path
autoreporting.column_names Column names in summary statistic files. Columns are [chromosome, position, reference allele, alternate allele, p-value ] Array[String] ["#chrom","pos","ref","alt","pval"] --column-labels
autoreporting.extra_columns Extra columns to include from summary statistic file than the ones presented in column_names, e.g. beta or MAF String "beta maf maf_cases maf_controls rsids" --extra-cols
autoreporting.efo_code_file GCS link to EFO to FinnGen phenotype mapping file String "gs://r4_data_west1/autoreporting/efo_map_na.tsv" No direct mapping, used for --efo-codes
autoreporting.ignore_region Region to ignore from the results String "6:23000000-38000000" --ignore-region
autoreporting.primary_grouping_method Primary grouping method, currently only makes sense to be cred. Primary grouping is used when the credible set file is available. String "cred" -
autoreporting.secondary_grouping_method Grouping method to use if credible set file is not available. String "ld" -
autoreporting.group Whether to group the variants or not Boolean true --group
autoreporting.overlap Whether variants in a group are allowed to be part of other groups Boolean false --overlap
autoreporting.sign_treshold Significance threshold for simple and ld grouping Float 5e-8 --sign-treshold
autoreporting.alt_sign_treshold Alternate significance threshold for simple and ld grouping Float 1e-2 --alt-sign-treshold
autoreporting.grouping_locus_width Grouping window in kilobases Integer 2000 --locus-width-kb
autoreporting.ld_r2 R² threshold for LD partners Float 0.1 --ld-r2
autoreporting.plink_memory PLINK memory in MB Integer 17000 --plink-memory
autoreporting.local_gwcatalog GCS link to GWAS catalog resource. Needed if db_choice is 'local' String "gs://r5_data/autoreporting/gwas_catalog_associations_2020-03-08.tsv" --local-gwascatalog
autoreporting.db_choice Autoreporting GWAS catalog backend. Options: ['local','gwas','summary_stats'] String "local" --db
autoreporting.gwascatalog_pval GWAS catalog p-value threshold Float 5e-8 --gwascatalog-pval
autoreporting.gwascatalog_width_kb GWAS catalog padding in kilobases Integer 25 --gwascatalog-width-pval
autoreporting.gwascatalog_threads GWAS catalog API threads Integer 8 --gwasccatalog-threads
autoreporting.strict_group_r2 R² threshold for strict grouping in case of ld grouping Float 0.5 --strict-group-r2
autoreporting.custom_dataresource GCS link to a manually curated dataresource. String "gs://r4_data_west1/autoreporting/custom_dataresource_r4_2020_03_25.tsv" --custom-dataresource

Running the pipeline

After the pipeline inputs are prepared, the next step is running the pipeline. This is easiest done by connecting to a cromwell server ( See instructions in https://github.com/FINNGEN/CROMWELL#access-cromwell-server-and-submit-workflows) or by using other tools for that (e.g. https://github.com/FINNGEN/CromwellInteract). In short, after the input array is created and the configuration JSON file is ready, take the WDL pipeline file and JSON file and send them to the server. The results can be acquired by copying them from the result bucket:

gsutil -m cp gs://[link-to-cromwell-bucket]/autoreporting/[pipeline hash]/call-report/**/*.out [destination_folder]/