
DICOM receiver for ChRIS backend

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


GitHub tag MIT License CI

oxidicom is a high-performance DICOM receiver for the ChRIS backend (CUBE). It partially replaces pfdcm.

More technically, oxidicom implements a DICOM C-STORE service class provider (SCP), a "server," which listens for incoming DICOM files. For every DICOM file received, it writes it to the storage of CUBE and "registers" the file with CUBE.

Improvements over pfdcm

Rewriting the functionality of pfdcm in Rust and with a modern design has led to several advantages:

  • Performance: registration of retrieved DICOM files to CUBE happens in real-time instead of being done in stages and polled until completion.
  • Simplicity: client can simply check for the number of PACS files existing in CUBE (for a given SeriesInstanceUID) instead of having to ask pfdcm for intermediate progress information (and having to poll pfdcm to completion).
  • Observability: oxidicom outputs structured logs. I also plan to add OpenTelemetry metrics.
  • Scalability: manual implementation of C-STORE makes oxidicom horizontally scalable (opposed to relying on dcmtk's storescp, which is harder to scale because it spawns subprocesses).

Prior to oxidicom, pfdcm was the major bottleneck in the ChRIS PACS query/retrieval architecture. Now, CUBE is the bottleneck. See the section on Performance Tuning below.

Environment Variables

Name Description
CHRIS_URL (required) CUBE v1/api/ URL
CHRIS_USERNAME (required) Username of user to do PACSFile registration. Note: CUBE requires the username to be "chris"
CHRIS_PASSWORD (required) User password
CHRIS_FILES_ROOT (required) Path to where CUBE's storage is mounted
CHRIS_HTTP_RETRIES Number of times to retry failed HTTP request to CUBE
CHRIS_SCP_AET DICOM AE title (hospital PACS pushing to oxidicom should be configured to push to this name)
CHRIS_SCP_STRICT Whether receiving PDUs must not surpass the negotiated maximum PDU length.
CHRIS_SCP_UNCOMPRESSED_ONLY Only accept native/uncompressed transfer syntaxes
CHRIS_PACS_ADDRESS PACS server addresses (optional, see PACS address configuration)
CHRIS_LISTENER_THREADS Maximum number of concurrent SCU clients to handle. (see Performance Tuning)
CHRIS_PUSHER_THREADS Maximum number of concurrent HTTP requests to CUBE. (see Performance Tuning)
CHRIS_VERBOSE Set as yes to show debugging messages
PORT TCP port number to listen on
OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT OpenTelemetry Collector HTTP endpoint
OTEL_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTES Resource attributes, e.g. service.name=oxidicom-test

Performance Tuning

Internally, oxidicom runs two thread pools:

  • "Listener" receives DICOM instance files over a TCP port
  • "Pusher" pushes received DICOM files to CUBE

The number of threads to use for the "listener" and "pusher" components are configured by CHRIS_LISTENER_THREADS and CHRIS_PUSHER_THREADS respectively.

Resource usage, and on the choice of an in-memory queue

In an older version of oxidicom, "listening" and "pushing" were synchronous. With 16 threads, the resource usage of oxidicom would not exceed 0.5 CPU and 1.5 GiB. Meanwhile, CUBE struggled to keep up with the requests being made by oxidicom even with a CPU limit of 12. FNNDSC/ChRIS_ultron_backEnd#546

Thus, the "listener" and "pusher" activities were decoupled and handled by separate thread pools, which communicate over an internal mpsc channel. It would be more "cloud-native" for the "listener" and "pusher" activities to live in separate microservices which communicate over RabbitMQ. However, we'll have to scale up CUBE by 20 time before needing to scale oxidicom, so who cares ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Failure Modes

  • An error with an individual instance does not terminate the association (meaning, subsequent instances will still have the chance to be received).
  • Currently, the following tags are required: StudyInstanceUID, SeriesInstanceUID, SOPInstanceUID, PatientID, and StudyDate. If any of the tags are missing, the DICOM instance will not be stored.
  • Files are first written to storage, then registered to CUBE. If CUBE does not accept the file registration, the file will still remain in storage.
  • If an unknown SOP class UID is encountered, the SCU will (probably) choose to abort the association. In this case, oxidicom will be aware that the abortion and the OpenTelemetry span for this association will have status=error. This can maybe be resolved, see Enet4/dicom-rs#477
  • If CUBE's response times are slow, then oxidicom will experience backpressure and its memory usage will start to balloon.
  • If a PACS retrieve was triggered twice, even though the first one was successful, the file will be overwritten in CUBE's storage, but the second registration will fail. Assuming the file sent by PACS did not change, the operation is idempotent.

"Oxidicom Custom Metadata" Spec

The ChRIS API does not provide any mechanism for knowing when a DICOM series has been pulled in completion. A DICOM series contains 0 or more DICOM instances. CUBE tracks each DICOM instance individually, but CUBE does not track how many instances should there be for a series (NumberOfSeriesRelatedInstances).


As a hacky workaround for this shortcoming, oxidicom will push dummy files into CUBE as PACSFiles under the space SERVICES/PACS/org.fnndsc.oxidicom. See CUSTOM_SPEC.md.

PACS Address Configuration

The environment variable CHRIS_PACS_ADDRESS should be a comma-separated list of key=value pairs. Blanks will be ignored (which implies that trailing comma is OK).

The PACS server address for a client AE title is used to lookup the NumberOfSeriesRelatedInstances. For example, suppose CHRIS_PACS_ADDRESS=BCH= When we receive DICOMs from BCH, oxidicom will do a C-FIND to, asking them what is the NumberOfSeriesRelatedInstances for the received DICOMs. When we receive DICOMs from MGH, the PACS address is unknown, so oxidicom will set NumberOfSeriesRelatedInstances=unknown.


The development scripts are hard-coded to work with an instance of miniChRIS. Follow these instructions to spin up the backend: https://github.com/FNNDSC/miniChRIS-docker#readme

To speak to CUBE, oxidicom needs to run in a Docker container in the same network and mounting the same volume as CUBE's container. This is coded up in ./docker-compose.yml.

You need to have installed:

Simply run


The just command, without arguments, will:

  1. Run Orthanc
  2. Download sample data
  3. Push sample data into Orthanc
  4. Run integration tests


oxidicom exports traces to OpenTelemetry collector. There is a span for the association (TCP connection from PACS server to send us DICOM objects) and a span for each file registration to CUBE.

Usage of opentelemetry v.s. tracing in the codebase

dicom-rs itself uses the tracing crate, though for the spans described above, I decided to use the opentelemetry crate. However, I am also using the tracing crate as well. Log messages created by tracing do not get exported to the OpenTelemetry collector. They are primarily for debugging.

Sample DICOM files