
Infant FreeSurfer

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION


A ChRIS plugin wrapping the infant_recon_all command from Infant FreeSurfer.



WARNING: the publicly provided copies of this software on Github, Docker Hub, and chrisstore.co do not work as-is!

FreeSurfer and FSL are not free software ("Free" as in "freedom"). Briefly, you may not use this software for financial gain.

We are not allowed to share a complete version of Infant FreeSurfer on DockerHub. Instead, we only provide an unlicensed version.


You must add a FreeSurfer license. Get one for free from https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/License

Next, create a new container image which includes the license.

docker pull fnndsc/pl-infantfs:
docker create --name=unlicensed-freesurfer fnndsc/pl-infantfs:
docker cp license.txt unlicensed-freesurfer:/opt/freesurfer/.license
docker commit unlicensed-freesurfer pl-infantfs:
docker rm unlicensed-freesurfer

To register pl-infantfs in ChRIS you must upload it manually to a private instance of the ChRIS_store. ChRIS admins may also find it useful to first push pl-infantfs to a private container registry.

# Example: A private container registry is running at rc-gitlab.chboston.org:4567
#          A private ChRIS_store is running at http://chris-store.tch.harvard.edu/

docker tag pl-infantfs: rc-gitlab.chboston.org:4567/fnndsc/pl-infantfs:
docker push rc-gitlab.chboston.org:4567/fnndsc/pl-infantfs:

docker run --rm rc-gitlab.chboston.org:4567/fnndsc/pl-infantfs: infantfs --json > /tmp/infantfs.json
http -a chrisadmin:chris1234 -f POST http://chris-store.tch.harvard.edu/api/v1/plugins/ \
    dock_image=rc-gitlab.chboston.org:4567/fnndsc/pl-infantfs: \
    descriptor_file@/tmp/infantfs.json \
    public_repo=https://github.com/FNNDSC/pl-infantfs \


The required input are a single NIFTI (*.nii.gz) file and the subject's age in months.

Using Singularity

Singularity is the recommended container runtime, because it handles users and bind paths for you. The first step is to rebuild the OCI image as a Singularity Image Format (.SIF) file.

singularity build infantfs.sif docker-daemon://pl-infantfs: 


Traditional infant_recon_all-like usage is supported.

mkdir -p incoming/123456
cp t1.nii.gz incoming/123456/mprage.nii.gz
mkdir outgoing
singularity exec infantfs.sif --subject 123456 --age 6 incoming/ outgoing/

Alternatively, use --inputPathFilter to specify the input file by a glob pattern. If --subject is not given, then the default value for --inputPathFilter, which is *.nii.gz, the NIFTI file inside the input directory will be processed. The directory structure will be created automatically.

mkdir incoming outgoing
cp t1.nii.gz incoming
singularity exec infantfs.sif --age 6 incoming/ outgoing/

Using ChRIS

pl-infantfs is a ChRIS ds plugin. FIrst, ask your ChRIS admin to install pl-infantfs on your instance of ChRIS. Once the plugin is registered, you will be able to find and run it.

The parent node should supply pl-infantfs with a single *.nii.gz file in the top-level directory. The only required option is --age.

NOTE: depending on container orchestration, there will be a 5--10 minute delay at the start of the plugin instance's "compute" phase, during which the remote compute environment is pulling the 14GB compressed container image for pl-infantfs.

TIP: You can parallelize pl-infantfs horizontally across subjects by doing a feed-split operation using a ts plugin.