This is a tutorial on using ROS with a Donkey Car.


Accessing on home wifi (eg, Gwifi)

Assumes it is in the mode where it connects to a home wifi (see below)

  1. Turn on donkey car
  2. ssh ubuntu@ubiquityrobot.local (password: ubuntu)

Accessing in field

Assumes it is in the mode where it provides an access point (see below)

  1. See

Switching between home wifi and access point mode

# To run this:
#   sudo bash
#   nohup ./

echo "y" | pifi remove GWifi
echo "Removed GWifi"
# sleep 30  # just to see if a reboot even needed

# To run this:
#   sudo bash
#   ./

echo "Rebooting, wait 30s and ssh ubuntu@ubiquityrobot.local"

Running motor ECU driver (i2cpwm_board)

In order to control the motor and steering, you go through the i2cpwm_board ros node. This assumes that you've already installed

Start the ros node by running:

$ rosrun i2cpwm_board i2cpwm_board

and you should see output:

[ INFO] [1571265047.816527752]: I2C bus opened on /dev/i2c-1
[ INFO] [1571265047.832949932]: Setting PWM frequency to 50 Hz

Sending low level control messages to motor/steering

This step is useful to validate that the i2cpwm_board is properly working. You probably want to put your donkey car on a "rack" so that you don't end up chasing it.


To set the throttle to make the wheels spin:

$ rostopic pub /servos_absolute i2cpwm_board/ServoArray <TAB> <TAB>

and change the default values to:

$ rostopic pub /servos_absolute i2cpwm_board/ServoArray "servos:
- servo: 1
  value: 366.0"

After hitting enter, the wheels on your donkey car should be spinning.


To set it back to idle, redo the above command but use 333.0 as the value.


The ESC operates just like a servo where forward/stop/reverse is mapped to right/center/left. To go into reverse, you will need to specify a value less than 333.0 (i.e. stop/center).

$ rostopic pub /servos_absolute i2cpwm_board/ServoArray "servos:
- servo: 1
  value: 290.0"

The above will work as expected for some. For most people using an entry-level ESC it will not, at least not yet. There is a catch.

To prevent drivers from accidentally reversing during a race, many ESCs require the user to "double tap" the throttle controller into reverse. The user moves the throttle stick to reverse, then back to stop/center, then again into reverse.

For ROS, we accomplish the same thing like this:

# First reverse "tap"
$ rostopic pub /servos_absolute i2cpwm_board/ServoArray "servos:
- servo: 1
  value: 320.0"

# Back to stop/center
$ rostopic pub /servos_absolute i2cpwm_board/ServoArray "servos:
- servo: 1
  value: 333.0"

# Second reverse "tap"
$ rostopic pub /servos_absolute i2cpwm_board/ServoArray "servos:
- servo: 1
  value: 320.0"

Now your wheels are spinning in reverse. Once in reverse driving mode, you can continue to change the throttle without going back to stop/center again:

# After the Second "tap", accelerate in reverse
$ rostopic pub /servos_absolute i2cpwm_board/ServoArray "servos:
- servo: 1
  value: 310.0"
$ rostopic pub /servos_absolute i2cpwm_board/ServoArray "servos:
- servo: 1
  value: 300.0"
$ rostopic pub /servos_absolute i2cpwm_board/ServoArray "servos:
- servo: 1
  value: 290.0"

Driving via teleop twist

Launch donkey_llc node

This is the bridge between teleop twist messages and the i2cpwm_board controls. It reads teleop twist messages from the cmd_vel topic and controls the motor accordingly. It assumes you've downloaded the code, see Appendix / Build donkey_llc below.

In a seperate terminal, run:

$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src/donkey_llc
$ rosrun donkey_llc

Launch teleop twist

$ rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard

Now you can type i to accelerate and k to stop.

Viewing Camera images

Capture and publish to topic

This assumes you've built the module. See Appendix / Build raspicam_node.

$ roslaunch raspicam_node camera_module_v2_640x480_5fps_autocapture.launch

Display on a laptop running ROS

On a linux laptop with ROS installed:

$ export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://ubiquityrobot.local:11311
$ rosrun rqt_image_view rqt_image_view

and you should see a window popup that shows the video stream from the donkey car camera.

Display on a laptop via HTTP streaming

On the raspberry pi do the following one-time install:

$ sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-web-video-server

Then start the streaming server via:

$ rosrun web_video_server web_video_server

and in your browser open http://ubiquityrobot.local:8080/stream_viewer?topic=/raspicam_node/image_raw.

Wrapping up into a single launch file

$ cat donkey_ros.launch

  <include file="$(find i2cpwm_board)/launch/i2cpwm_node.launch"/>

  <include file="$(find raspicam_node)/launch/camera_module_v2_640x480_5fps_autocapture.launch"/>

  <node pkg="donkey_llc" name="donkey_llc" type="" output="screen" >
  <node pkg="web_video_server" name="web_video_server" type="web_video_server">
$ roslaunch donkey_ros.launch


Build donkey_llc

  135  git clone tizianofiorenzani_ros_tutorials
  136  cd tizianofiorenzani_ros_tutorials/
  137  ls
  138  cd donkey_car/
  139  ls
  140  cd src/
  141  ls
  142  rosrun donkey_llc
  143  cd
  144  cd catkin_ws/
  145  ls
  146  cd src/
  147  catkin_create_pkg donkey_llc
  148  cd donkey_llc/
  149  ls
  150  cd ..
  151  rm -rf donkey_llc/
  152  catkin_create_pkg donkey_llc rospy
  153  cd donkey_llc/src/
  154  ls
  155  cp ~/tizianofiorenzani_ros_tutorials/donkey_car/src/
  156  cp ~/tizianofiorenzani_ros_tutorials/donkey_car/src/ .
  157  rosrun donkey_llc

Build raspicam_node

  237  git clone
  238  catkin_make --pkg raspicam_node
  239  ls
  240  cd ..
  241  catkin_make --pkg raspicam_node
  242  source devel/setup.bash
