Team 5190 Programming Training

This repository is for our 2022 training resources. To get started, look through the common resources. After that, you should look through languages you are interested in.

Our programming team has been using Kotlin for past competitions, however, this year we are planning to shift to Java.

Kotlin is one of the languages we use for programming the robot, and it is derived from Java. Javascript is a popular web language and is commonly used for mobile apps and websites. We use it for the scouting app. The most fun things to program are things that you are interested in making. If theres something you really want to make, make it! As always, you can ask questions on discord and I'll answer them, even if they aren't related to these resources or these programming languages. You'll find that skills you have in one language translate pretty easily to another language once you learn the syntax. Note: Kotlin Resources will likely not continue to be updated, as we already slowly making a shift to Java, exclusively.

Common Resources

Kotlin Resources

Javascript Resources

Java Resources