
webrtc/websockets driver camera

Primary LanguageC++


NineLight is a media streaming setup for the Team 900 robot cameras. We use MediaMTX (https://github.com/bluenviron/mediamtx) to stream data from a Raspberry Pi camera to a web server.


First, download the MediaMTX binary (https://github.com/bluenviron/mediamtx/releases).

Camera Setup

Building rpiboot

Install or build the rpiboot utility by following the instructions at https://github.com/raspberrypi/usbboot#building. Don't worry about messages like "Cannot open file", as long as it says "second stage boot server done" the build was succesful.

Flashing the OS Image

Run rpi-imager (https://github.com/raspberrypi/rpi-imager) with the camera plugged in. Select the 64-bit light version. Make sure to enable SSH with username ubuntu and password ubuntu, set the timezone to us/new york, and set the hostname as ninelight.

Configuring SSH

Disable IPv6 on the computer, plug the camera into the robot, connect to the robot's wifi, and SSH into the robot with username ubuntu@ninelight.local and password ubuntu. Type sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config, scroll to the line that says port 22, and change it to say port 5801.

Configuring the Overlay

On the local computer, reconnect to the actual wifi and run sudo wget https://datasheets.raspberrypi.org/cmio/dt-blob-cam1.bin -O /boot/dt-blob.bin. That will download the file to /boot/dt-blob.bin, so move it to the home directory with sudo mv /boot/dt-blob.bin . in the home directory. Next, connect to the robot wifi and run sftp ubuntu@ninelight.local. Then run put dt-blob.bin to transfer the file to the camera. Exit the session, and reconnect with ssh ubuntu@ninelight.local. Run sudo mv dt-blob.bin /boot/ and type y when it asks to replace the file. Run sudo nano /boot/config.txt and add the line dtoverlay=ov9281.

Setting a Static IP Address

SSH into the camera. Run hostname -I to get the current IP address, ip r to get the router's IP address, and grep "nameserver" /etc/resolv.conf to get the IP address of the DNS. Run nano /etc/dhcpdc.conf and add these lines

interface eth0
static_routers=[ROUTER IP]
static domain_name_servers=[DNS IP]
static ip_address=[STATIC IP ADDRESS YOU WANT]/24

After making that change, reboot the camera. After this, SSH and SFTP commands will have to specifiy the port (5801).

Transfering Settings

Download the mediamtx.yml file from this repository. Connect to the robot's wifi and run sftp -P 5801 ubuntu@ninelight.local. Run put mediamtx.yml to transfer the settings file, and then exit the session. SSH into the robot with ssh ubuntu@ninelight.local -p 5801, then run sudo mv mediamtx.yml /usr/local/etc and exit the session.

Marshall Stuff

Marshall, put your magic wizardry shenanigans here please (something about downloading mediamtx).

The Rest

Are these all the things we need to do to setup up the Raspberry Pi? What do we use as the client? How do we connect to the camera How would we specify specific ports for the camera to use, and how do we make the cliet use them? I remember we had to disable IPv6 for some reason, why and how did we do that?

Real Notes

  • get rpi-boot utility

  • use rpi-imager utility

    • select 64-bit light
    • run rpi-boot, you the should see something in the storage tab
    • preconfigure ssh enabled (user/pass)
      • ubuntu/ubuntu
    • timezone/locale
      • us/new york
    • set hostname
      • ninelight
  • flash with rasbian-64-os lite

  • ssh into it

    • disable IPv6
    • connect to robot wifi
    • connect ninelight to robot
    • ssh ubuntu@ninelight.local
    • remember: pwd is also ubuntu
  • add '5801' as a special port for ssh

    • nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
    • port 5801
  • download special overlay file

    • set correct overlay in /boot/txt

    • run sudo wget https://datasheets.raspberrypi.org/cmio/dt-blob-cam1.bin -O /boot/dt-blob.bin ON LOCAL COMPUTER

    • that will download it to /boot/dt-blob.bin, move that to your home directory

    • then sftp into the ninelight

    • and put dt-blob.bin

    • then ssh into ninelight

    • and move dt-blob.bin to /boot/ (say y to replace when it asks)

    • edit /boot/config.txt and add dtoverlay=ov9281 (or 5647?)

  • set static IP address

    • set it to the ip that it currently is




    • sudo nano /etc/dhcpcd.conf

      interface eth0 static_routers= static domain_name_servers= static ip_address=

  • reboot

    • when ssh'ing now, use -p 5801
  • download mediamtx server

    • don't need to disable legacy camera, it's not there
  • get the yml file

  • send both of those ^ files to the ninelight

  • add '5802' and '5803' as ports for the camera

  • follow [these instructions] (https://github.com/bluenviron/mediamtx#start-on-boot)

  • create shortcut to camera website