I cannot flash bootloader or any firmware to 2.3

wanderlust-vlad opened this issue · 1 comments

I wanted to move my setup (Spider 2.3 and Paspberry Pi Zero 2W) from USB connection to UART.
Reconfiguration of Pi according to the FYSETC documentation was easy, but when I tried to reflash MCU - there trouble came.
First I've tried to do it via sdcard - name of the file changed, led blinked...but host could not connect to the MCU.
Then I tried to reflash via DFU (with STM32Cube programmer) - flashing was done but verification showed up some errors.
Bootloader is gone, MCU is not detected by ls /dev/serial/by-id/*
I tried to flash it via DFU from my Pi, but dfu-util --list shows this:
dfu-util: Cannot open DFU device 0483:df11 found on devnum 3 (LIBUSB_ERROR_ACCESS)

When I try to flash bootloader (taken from this Github), I receive the same verification errors as during flashing the firmware.

How can I finally flash my MCU?