This tutorial builds on top tutorial_impedance-control to implement a simple inverse kinematic controller.
The robot will try to move the end effector (left hand) in a desired configuration.
The inverse kinematic is resolved using quadratic programming via osqp.
The optimisation problem is formulated as
$\nu$ is the vector of configuration velocities, $v_b$ is the base velocity, $\dot{s}$ is the joint velocity.
$J_{ee}^{pos}$ is the Jacobian of the end effector position, $J_B$ is the Jacobian of the base.
$\dot{s}^{-}$ and $\dot{s}^{+}$ are the lower and upper bounds on the joint velocity.
$x_{ee}$ is the end effector position and $x_{ee}^{des}$ is the desired end effector position, and $K_p$ is the proportional gain.