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FelipeFMedeiros's Following
- 4bdul4ziz@PENCIL-Global
- abbodi1406
- AtomicSpongehttps://www.wtfsystems.net
- avanishmaniDeoria ,India
- AvinandanBoseWest Bengal
- avs-abhishek123Liverpool University
- berdfandradeBelo Horizonte, Brazil
- ByAlyckTrix Ti
- chesslablab
- choonghyunryuDplanex
- codinghempAmerica/Austin
- Dmytro1991uaSigma Software
- dudarocha81Brazil
- EbolaMan-YT
- felpfsf@TBDC-Agro-Softwares
- gabrielsouza-devNova Veneza, Goiás, Brasil
- gamemann@modcommunity
- IasmineSilvaMoblix
- iloira
- ismaelsantos1Rio de Janeiro, RJ - Brazil
- JCSIVOJuniper Travel Technology
- JoyceFatimahome
- JuliaRamos01Rio de Janeiro
- leoszmCity hall of Santo André
- luizpaulogroupBrasil
- Lutercio
- MarianeBS
- MatheusSantosDevAction Labs Laboratórios de Inovação
- MichaeleduardooBETIM-MG
- omololevy| @cotechie-org | @Kiungor | @armjscom | @UTAWALA | @chesslablab | @masen0university |
- openai
- Sarah-Hesham-2022Cairo University, Faculty of Computers and Artificial Intelligence
- sayed71Full-Stack Developer
- sezerlucianturkmenYurtici Kargo
- Tathagat017Bengaluru , India
- Trustwords@ALX