DevOps engineer with a love for open source. I create firewalls. Portfolio @! @deaconn-net @modcommunity @packet-batch
@deaconn-netNew Jersey, US
Pinned Repositories
A personal tool using Python's Scrapy framework to scrape Best Buy's product pages for RTX 3080 TIs and notify if available/not sold out.
My GitHub profile ReadMe.
A GitHub Follow Bot that utilizes Django's web framework and Python. The bot comes with many features, but please use at your own risk. The bot was made for educational purposes.
A pen-test/DoS tool that can be used to send single or multiple packets in sequences with a lot of packet customization.
My website portfolio that utilizes Astro, React, TypeScript, and Tailwind CSS.
Program examples utilizing the DPDK. The DPDK is a kernel-bypass network library that allows for very fast network packet processing. This is great for (D)DoS mitigation and low-latency packet inspection, manipulation, and forwarding.
A firewall that utilizes the Linux kernel's XDP hook. The XDP hook allows for very fast network processing on Linux systems. This is great for dropping malicious traffic from a (D)DoS attack. IPv6 is supported with this firewall! I hope this helps network engineers/programmers interested in utilizing XDP!
A stateless, high-performance NAT-like proxy that attaches to the XDP hook in the Linux kernel using (e)BPF for fast packet processing. This proxy forwards packets based on configurable rules and performs source-port mapping, similar to IPTables and NFTables.
A full guide on how to setup Steam Link software on a Raspberry Pi 4 Model B with Buster Lite OS (10) and streaming at 120FPS. Made by @gamemann!
An application that utilizes fast AF_XDP Linux sockets to generate and send network packets. Used for penetration testing including Denial of Service (DoS) and network monitoring. Made by @gamemann!
gamemann's Repositories
A firewall that utilizes the Linux kernel's XDP hook. The XDP hook allows for very fast network processing on Linux systems. This is great for dropping malicious traffic from a (D)DoS attack. IPv6 is supported with this firewall! I hope this helps network engineers/programmers interested in utilizing XDP!
A stateless, high-performance NAT-like proxy that attaches to the XDP hook in the Linux kernel using (e)BPF for fast packet processing. This proxy forwards packets based on configurable rules and performs source-port mapping, similar to IPTables and NFTables.
My GitHub profile ReadMe.
Smaller projects I've made starting from over 10 years ago. Projects in this repository are NOT supported.
Information on my home lab setup.
Sends outgoing IPIP packets back to the client directly instead of back through the IPIP tunnel/forwarding server. Uses TC egress filter for fast packet processing.
My website portfolio that utilizes Astro, React, TypeScript, and Tailwind CSS.
A simple plugin for SourceMod that restarts the map or server after the time limit is up with the option to only restart when no clients are on the server.
A web/desktop application launcher I made for a mini-PC I recently purchased for game/movie streaming and emulation.
A Python project that extracts data from websites with the option to process the data through @openai's ChatGPT API. The results are either printed to stdout or sent via a POST request.
An open source Discord bot that allows users to play mini-games on Discord servers and get awarded points. Not finished and a work-in-progress.
A simple web application that acts as a user system written in Elixir. You can register and login.
A SourceMod plugin for Left 4 Dead 2 that allows you to open upgrade boxes as party/fun boxes. A big work-in-progress!
An open source 3D first person player controller for @godotengine that supports bunny hopping, air strafing, and more!
Stores XDP programs and loaders I use for testing/helping others with (e)BPF and XDP.
GFL's API for Members, Supporters, and VIPs written in Elixir. This isn't being used in production, but I figured it's good practice when learning Elixir.
Details going over my retro setup which consists of game streaming and emulation along with details on getting Wii Remotes and a Dolphinbar to work on Linux/Debian 12.
A guide on how to install mods in Red Dead Redemption 2 (RDR2) on PC, including instructions on how to use a popular mod loader, Lenny's Mod Loader (LML)! Made by @gamemann!
A SourceMod plugin for Counter-Strike: Source that notifies players of how many teammates or enemies they've flashed after throwing a flashbang.
A guide on how to manage user permissions in SourceMod. This is useful for game servers in the Source Engine that have MetaMod and SourceMod installed. Made by @gamemann!
My Go playground that stores test programs and such. Includes tests that imports and uses structures and functions from shared and static C libraries.
Common headers for APIs created by Packet Batch.
The Discord MiniGames web application. A work-in-progress!
A guide on how to compile SourceMod plugins. Made by @gamemann!
A guide going over how to create a server for Garry's Mod and how to install mods/addons onto the server. Guide me by @gamemann for @modcommunity.
A guide on how to create a Left 4 Dead 2 server with mods (addons). Made by @gamemann!
Retrieves and updates server information from the Best Servers API.
A small C API that interacts with AF_XDP sockets. Will be used with upcoming Packet Batch revamp and a work-in-progress!
A guide that goes into detail on determining what hardware and network requirements you must meet in order to host a Source engine game server. Made by @gamemann!
A guide on how to download and run SteamCMD on both Linux and Windows. Made by @gamemann!