
Notes on what files should be under version control for PSoC projects


Notes on what files should be under version control for PSoC projects

Support & Community Revision Control for PSoC® Creator™ Projects - KBA86358 Last Updated: March 09, 2016 Version: *B Question:

Which PSoC® Creator™ project files can you place into your source control system? Answer:

​PSoC Creator projects have a well-defined directory structure that makes it easy for you to add "source" files to the source control systems. Place the files in the following directories under revision control. (Note: Italicized text is based on the workspace, project, or user name.)

Project Directory (project_name.cydsn)


Optional Files

These files control the user experience (look and feel, open files in the workspace, and so on) but do not impact the application:



These files are generated based on the components used in your design and their parameter settings. As a result, you can typically replicate these files using the normal build process. Adding them to your revision control system is optional.

However, there are two exceptions to this rule. If you have made the following changes in your design, add those files to revision control:

You have added your own code in the merge regions of the generated source files. 
You have modified the default ARM® linker files (cm3gcc.ld or cm3RealView.scat).

External Source Files

If your project includes source files located outside the directories specified here, add them to your revision control system.

Keil Re-Entrancy File

If your project includes project_name.cyre file, add it to your revision control system.

Third-Party IDE Files

The following files are created when you export designs to the Keil™ µVision® IDE. You can always replicate these files by re-executing the export function, or you can add them to your revision control system for convenience.

project_name_PSoCxlib.uvopt ('x' is 3, 4, or 5 for the PSoC architecture)
project_name_PSoCxlib.uvproj ('x' is 3, 4, or 5 for the PSoC architecture)