
CrazySim: A Software-in-the-Loop Simulator for Crazyflies

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

CrazySim: A Software-in-the-Loop Simulator for the Crazyflie Nano Quadrotor

This code accompanies the work in the ICRA 2024 submission "CrazySim: A Software-in-the-Loop Simulator for Nano Quadcopter Fleets".

Supported Platforms

This simulator is currently only supported on Ubuntu systems with at least 20.04. This is primarily a requirement from Gazebo Sim. The simulator was built, tested, and verified on 22.04 with Gazebo Garden.

To install this repository use the recursive command as shown below for HTTPS:

git clone https://github.com/gtfactslab/Llanes_ICRA2024.git --recursive


cd crazyflie-lib-python
pip install -e .


The installation instructions and usage are referenced in the documentation file.


Install dependencies using the code below.

pip install Jinja2

Building the code

First install Gazebo Garden from https://gazebosim.org/docs/garden/install_ubuntu

Run the command to build the firmware and Gazebo plugins.

cd crazyflie-firmware
mkdir -p sitl_make/build && cd $_
cmake ..
make all

Crazyswarm2 and MPC code

Make sure you have ROS 2 Humble.

Install the following for Crazyswarm2:

sudo apt install libboost-program-options-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev
pip3 install rowan transforms3d
sudo apt install ros-humble-tf-transformations

If you want to run the MPC code then you will need Acados. Acados can be installed by following their documentation.

Then build the ROS 2 workspace.

cd ros2_ws
colcon build --symlink-install


The crazyswarm2 configuration files can be found in


The crazyflies.yaml describes the robots currently being used. If a robot is not in the simulator or hardware, then it can be disabled by setting the enabled parameter to false. A more detailed description for crazyswarm2 configurations can be found here.

The main code for the MPC script is in the following:


The trajectory type can be changed to a horizontal circle, vertical circle, helix, or a lemniscate trajectory by changing the variable "trajectory_type" in the CrazyflieMPC class.


Currently, users have to restart Gazebo after each CFLib connect and disconnect cycle. Supporting a restart cycle without restarting Gazebo is on the list of things to do.

Start up SITL

Open a terminal and run

cd crazyflie-firmware

We can then run the firmware instance and spawn the models with Gazebo using a single launch script.

Option 1: Spawning a single crazyflie model with initial position (x = 0, y = 0)

bash tools/crazyflie-simulation/simulator_files/gazebo/launch/sitl_singleagent.sh -m crazyflie -x 0 -y 0

Option 2: Spawning 8 crazyflie models to form a perfect square

bash tools/crazyflie-simulation/simulator_files/gazebo/launch/sitl_multiagent_square.sh -n 8 -m crazyflie

Option 3: Spawning multiple crazyflie models with positions defined in the agents.txt file. New vehicles are defined by adding a new line with comma deliminated initial position x,y.

bash tools/crazyflie-simulation/simulator_files/gazebo/launch/sitl_multiagent_text.sh -m crazyflie

Start Crazyswarm2

Launch the Crazyswarm2 services with CFLib backend.

ros2 launch crazyflie launch.py backend:=cflib

Start MPC code

Run the Crazyflie MPC demonstration with the code below. The argument n_agents can be modified for the number of agents in your environment.

ros2 run crazyflie_mpc crazyflie_multiagent_mpc --n_agents=1

Using the command line publisher we can command all vehicles to take off using MPC.

ros2 topic pub -t 50 -r 50 /all/mpc_takeoff std_msgs/msg/Empty

Using the command line publisher we can command all vehicles to start the trajectory.

ros2 topic pub -t 50 -r 50 /all/mpc_trajectory std_msgs/msg/Empty

Using the command line publisher we can command all vehicles to stop the trajectory and hover.

ros2 topic pub -t 50 -r 50 /all/mpc_hover std_msgs/msg/Empty

We also implemented a MPC land feature, but it's still experimental and may result in crashing the drone.