Hikefinder.net (Back end API)

Find hiking trails anywhere in the USA. Live demo: http://hikefinder.net


  1. You must have a local Postgres development database server running.

  2. Create an empty database on your server called 'hiking_project_api'.

  3. Update config/database.yml with your database credentials, something like this:

  adapter: postgresql
  encoding: unicode
  database: hiking_project_api
  pool: 2
  username: XXX
  password: XXX
  host: localhost
  port: 5432
  1. Clone this repository.


$ cd hiking_project_api
$ bundle install
$ RAILS_ENV=development bundle exec rake db:migrate 
$ RAILS_ENV=development bundle exec rake db:seed
$ RAILS_ENV=development bundle exec rake environment populate_city_slugs
$ RAILS_ENV=development bundle exec rake environment populate_distance
$ RAILS_ENV=development rails s

Note, the seeds.rb file only contains subset of actual data.

Front end repository

This back end drives the following front end:



Here is a list of project deliverables for the back end and front end (specific line numbers are referenced for each deliverable) https://github.com/FergusDevelopmentLLC/hiking_project_api/blob/master/deliverables.md

Blog post

Here is a blog post that details many of hurdles encountered when building Hikefinder:

Video walkthrough


Code sample video


Live demo


Contributing Bugfixes or Features

  • Fork the this repository
  • Create a local development branch for the bugfix; I recommend naming the branch such that you'll recognize its purpose.
  • Commit a change, and push your local branch to your github fork
  • Send me pull request for your changes to be included


Hikefinder is licensed under the MIT license. (http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)