Find hiking trails anywhere in the USA. Live demo:
- Get a free access token from Mapbox (optional).
- Follow these instructions to install npm and node.
- Clone this repository.
- Edit /public/index.html. Replace existing Mapbox access token with yours from step #1, line 70 (optional).
- Run:
$ cd hiking_project_fe
$ sudo node server.js
- Open your browser to
Here is a list of project deliverables for the back end and front end (specific line numbers are referenced for each deliverable)
Here is a blog post that details many of hurdles encountered when building Hikefinder:
- Fork the this repository
- Create a local development branch for the bugfix; I recommend naming the branch such that you'll recognize its purpose.
- Commit a change, and push your local branch to your github fork
- Send me pull request for your changes to be included
Hikefinder is licensed under the MIT license. (