Crosschain voting dapp

The following is a cross chain DApp to showcase ICON XCall, it consists of a set of smart contracts deployed on Berlin (ICON) and Sepolia (Ethereum) to cast votes on the ICON chain and it will keep a ledger of the votes on both chains.


Create a .env file in the root folder and place the private keys of a wallet on Berlin and Sepolia with enough balance to deploy and run the DApp test scenarios.


Run command to install node packages.

npm install

Compile contracts

To run the project you first need to compile both the java and solidity contracts.

To compile the solidity contract run the following command:

npm run compile-solidity

To compile the Java contracts move into the ./contracts/jvm/ folder and run the compilation command with gradle.

cd contracts/jvm/
./gradlew b
./gradlew op

Run main script

Once you had compiled the solidity and java contracts you can run the main script with the following command

npm run start

If this is the first time running the command, the compiled solidity and java contracts will be deployed to berlin and sepolia networks, after that the script will execute a full example by casting a vote on the Berlin chain and then checking the votes ledger on the Sepolia network.

Further resources